Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Information about the Department

The Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship of ZSTU provides training of specialists in specialities 051 “Economics” and 076 “Entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity”. The Department of Economics was founded in 1999 (according to the Zhytomyr Engineering and Technological Institute rector’s order “On the creation and reorganization of structural units of the Institute” № 164 dated 11.05.1999). In accordance with the order of the rector of ZSTU “On making changes to the organizational structure of the institute, faculties of the university” № 109 dated 10.04.2013, the Department of Economics was renamed as the Department of Economics of Enterprise.

During 1999-2008 the Department was headed by Doctor of Economics, prof. Tsal-Tsalko Yu. S. During 2008-2016 the head of the Department was Doctor of Economics, prof. Danylko V.K. From September 1, 2016, the Department is headed by Doctor of Economics, associate professor Valinkevych Natalia Vasylivna.

From May 1, 2017, the Department of Economic Theory and General Economic Preparation was attached to the Department of Economics of Enterprise and the structural unit was reorganized into the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship.

The Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship provides training of the specialists in two directions:

  • field of knowledge 05 «Social and behavioral sciences», specialty 051 «Economics» (specialization «Economics of enterprise»);
  • field of Knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», specialty 076 «Entrepreneurship, trade and stock-exchange activity».

Preparation is carried out by the educational degrees “Bachelor” and “Master”.

The educational-scientific-industrial complex is created on the base of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship which provides short-term training of students, who have education level “junior specialist”, in speciality “Entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity”.

The Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship currently employs 20 teachers, including: 2 Doctors of Economics; 15 Philosophy Doctors; 3 senior teachers. The teaching staff of the Department is replenished by the best graduates of ZSTU.

Graduates of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship manage the methods of planning and economic tasks performance, the modern methods of information processing with the use of computer equipment and methods of sociological researches; are able to determine the optimum options of administrative decisions for objective and subjective possibilities of enterprises’ development with the different types of ownership; can develop recommendations for the enterprise’s economic policy improvement.

Head of the Department

Natalia Vasylivna Valinkevych
Natalia Vasylivna Valinkevych

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship of Zhytomyr State Technological University. Since 1997 she has been teaching at higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

In June 2002 she defended her Ph.D. thesis in the specialty 08.07.01 - economics of industry (scientific advisor: Doctor of Economics, professor, current member (academician) UAAS, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine Borschevsky P.P.)In September, 2015 she defended her doctoral thesis in the specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity) (scientific consultant: Doctor of Economics, professor Tarasiuk G.M.). Author of more than 130 scientific works on scientific and methodological developments.

She passed a scientific and pedagogical internship at the Pomorsk Center for Advice in Gdansk, a department in Old Pole (Republic of Poland) within the framework of the European Union project implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland (July-August 2010). Within the scope of the internship, she trained in expert-adviser courses on management, economics and enterprise management. By the Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine dated 11.06. 2012 No. 342 she was entered into the state register of Ukraine as expert adviser on issues of management, economics and management of enterprises, civil and socio-economic development.

2010 till 2013, she was the coordinator of the Zhytomyr State Technological University’s project in developing and implementing the program of technical exchange in the field of economics and management of enterprises of food industry and agriculture, carried out by the French agro-industrial association "KI-France" with the support of the French Embassy in UkraineThe program was attended by teachers and students of the Zhytomyr State Technological University and the “L'EPLEFPA de Chartres, La Saussaye” (Chartres, France) State specialist training institute, as well as the State Professional Training Institution “L'EPLEFPA de VIC-EN-BIGORRE” (Vic-en-Bihor, France).

In 2013, she received a certificate of the technology manager of the NTTN National Technology Transfer Network.

For her diligent work and significant contribution to the education of students, she was awarded with diplomas and commendations.

Teaches disciplines: economics of enterprise, potential and development of enterprise, methodology and organization of research, economics and production organization, business management.

Scientific interests: economics and management of enterprise, entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity.

Contacts office 414a;



Scientific activity

Scientific activity of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship is an integral part of the educational process and multidimensional functioning of the department, and therefore it is planned, organized and carried out in accordance with the laws of Ukraine “On Education”, “On Higher Education”, “On Scientific and Technological Research”, State National Program “Education. Ukraine of XXI century” and the National Ukraine Education Development Doctrine in the XXI century.

Scientific and research work of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship is aimed on realization of the following main tasks:

  • providing of feasible intellectual and material assistance to Ukrainian state in the formation of a realistic, pragmatic and effective policy on scientific, technical and educational activities;
  • achieving European and global levels of basic and applied researches, including in the sphere of education;
  • development of scientific concepts, assessments and forecasts of socio-economic development of country;
  • training of highly qualified scientific personnel;
  • promotion of further integration of domestic intellectual potential in the global scientific, technical and socio-cultural environment.
Defended Doctoral and PhD thesis of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship personnel
Author Specialty and topic of thesis Year of defense
Doctoral Thesis
Valinkevych Natalia Vasylivna Specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity)
Topic: Organizational and economic modernization of food industry enterprises
Dankevych Andriy Yevgenovych Specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity)
Topic: Formation and efficiency of functioning of agroholdings
PhD Thesis
Buzhims’ka Kateryna Oleksandrivna Specialty 08.06.01 - Economics, organization and enterprises’ management
Topic: Price-setting methods improvement in the dairy industry enterprises’ internal economic mechanism system
Vyhovsky Volodymyr Georgiyovych Specialty 08.00.09 - Accounting, analysis and audit (by types of economic activity)
Topic: Development of analytical support for assessing the creditworthiness of economic entities
Denysyuk Olena Grygorivna Specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and enterprises’ management (by types of economic activity)
Topic: Property potential of enterprise: essence, reproduction and management
Korniychuk Angelina Anatoliyivna Specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity)
Topic: Strategic diagnostics of the production potential of bakery enterprises
Melnyk Tetiana Yuriivna Specialty 08.00.09 - Accounting, analysis and audit (by types of economic activity)
Topic: Accounting and analytical support for controlling financial results of enterprises
Ovander Nataliya L’vivna Specialty 08.00.11 - Mathematical methods, models and informational technologies in economics
Topic: Structure changes optimization models in Ukraine’s economy by the types of economic activity
Orlova Kateryna Yevgeniivna Specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity)
Topic: Mechanism of extractive industry enterprises’ adaptation to the external environment
Pavlova Svitlana Ivanivna Specialty 08.03.01 - Statistics
Topic: Statistical analysis of air pollution by automobile transport
Protsenko Nataliya Borysivna Specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and enterprises’ management
Topic: Organizational-economic mechanism of long-term economic stability provision of industrial enterprises
Solonynko Kostyantyn Stepanovych Specialty 08.00.01 - Political economy
Topic: Quality of products and problems of its stimulation
Tkachuk Ganna Yuriyivna Specialty 08.00.04 - Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity)
Topic: Formation of small agro business enterprises’
Travin Vitaliy Viktorovych Specialty 08.00.09 - Accounting, analysis and audit (by types of economic activity)
Topic: Accounting and National Accounts: Directions of Harmonization
Ushchapovsky Yuri Volodymyrovych Specialty 08.01.04 - Economic History and History of Economic Thought
Topic: Evolution of the theory of value in Ukrainian economic thought in XIX - beg. of XX century
Yurkivsky Olexandr Yosypovych Specialty 08.00.09 - Accounting, analysis and audit (by types of economic activity)
Topic: Management accounting of hop production and processing in hop economic entities
Jushkewich Olena Oleksandrivna Specialty 08.09.02 - Employment and labor market
Topic: Employment of rural youth

Scientific activity of the Department teachers is built on relationships with research institutions of Ukraine and some educational institutions in other countries. Teachers of the Department constantly take part in international and national scientific conferences. The Department has an agreement on cooperation in the scientific field with:

Scientific Research Institute “Polissya” (Zhytomyr) is the basic research institution for the study of research organizational aspects for students of master degree. In order to strengthen the applied component of the teaching, the teachers of the department organize outgoing practical classes based on the leading enterprises of Zhytomyr Region, namely PJSC “Zhytomyr Butter Plant”, LLC “Berdychiv Brewery”, PJSC “Zhytomyr Plant of Silicate Products”, LLC “Organik Milk”, etc.

Since 2006, research activity of the Department has been carried out through the graduate school by specialty 08.00.04 – “Economics and Management of Enterprises (by the types of economic activity)”. In 2007 the Department of Economics of Enterprise opened doctoral studies by specialty 08.00.04 - “Economics and Management of Enterprises (by the types of economic activity)”.

the integration of Ukrainian science into the world community in 2016, a postgraduate study program for Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 051 "Economics" was licensed. The Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship actively participates in scientific developments and conducts research topics. Since 2006, the Department successfully completed researches on 12 research topics.

At present, the Department has developed two research topics, namely, "Develop a system for the formation of economic security of processing enterprises" (state registration number 0116U005302, the execution period 18.05.2016 - 05.06.2017, responsible executor PhD, associate professor Tkachuk G.Yu.) and "Research and improvement of the mechanism of accounting and analytical support for controlling the process of formation, distribution and use of financial results of the enterprise" (state registration number 0115U001960, execution period 02.2015 - 12.2016, head of the research Doctor of Economics, associate prof. Valinkevych N.V. responsible executor PhD Melnyk T. Yu.).

2015 on the basis of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship of Zhytomyr State Technological University the All-Ukrainian competition of student's scientific papers on the specialty "Entrepreneurship" is held. The main objectives of the Competition are: the discovery and development of gifted students, promotion of their abilities; formation of creative generation of young scientists and practitioners for various branches of public life; stimulation of creative self-improvement of student youth; advocacy of science, technology and innovation technologies; formation of teams for participation in international olympiads, contests, tournaments.

Special place amongst the scientific and methods work of the Department is occupied by scientific seminars with students. Every month, lecturers of the department conduct scientific seminars with the involvement of students in the disciplines covered by the curricula of training specialists in the field of economics.

An important component of the department's work is the wide involvement of student youth in scientific activities. Traditionally, students of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship are awarded prize-winning places in competitions of scientific and diploma works, professional olympiads.

The Department pays great attention to educational-methodical and research work. Significant efforts are focused on the intensification of fundamental and exploratory research on priority areas of economic and industrial relations both at macro and micro levels. The Department is making great efforts in establishing new links and strengthening existing relationships and contacts with colleagues both in Ukraine and abroad.

Since the origins of the Department its staff has been annually increasing human resources, providing a high level of teaching, improving teaching methods and information support, supplying educational work, practicing the principles of large student audiences attraction to scientific researches and their practical realization.

Information about specialty

The future specialist in the specialty 051 "Economics" has the opportunity to get knowledge that will allow him to:

  • use analytical and methodical tools in the process of justification and implementation of managerial decisions;
  • use professional arguments in the process of discussion and identify ways to solve applied problems and problem situations;
  • explain the functioning and trends of the development of socio-economic phenomena from the point of view of the fundamental principles and provisions of economic science;
  • apply appropriate economic and mathematical methods and models for solving economic problems;
  • diagnose the functioning and development of business entities, to define functional areas, to provide a comprehensive assessment of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the enterprise (level of financial stability, economic security, creditworthiness, investment attractiveness, etc.);
  • plan and fully realize the possibilities of personal professional growth;
  • demonstrate the ability to analyze, synthesize, abstract and critical thinking in scientific research and in the performance of professional tasks;
  • use modern information and communication technologies for solving complex socio-economic problems, in the process of preparing and presenting analytical reports;
  • implement interdisciplinary analysis of socio-economic phenomena and processes in one or more professional fields.

The future specialist in the specialty 076 "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock Exchange Activity" has the opportunity to gain knowledge that will allow him to:

  • use basic knowledge of entrepreneurship, trade and stock activity and the ability to think critically, analyze and synthesize for professional purposes;
  • use modern information and communication technologies in the process of solving of applied problems, exchange and dissemination of professionally directed information;
  • take initiative and entrepreneurial thinking in different areas of professional activity, take personal responsibility for the results of the activity;
  • have a methodical basis for substantiation and implementation of managerial decisions regarding the creation and functioning of business, trade and exchange structures;
  • apply innovative approaches and implement innovative ideas in entrepreneurial, trading and stock-exchange activities;
  • demonstrate the skills of business planning, assess market conditions and conduct marketing research;
  • manage the risks of economic activity;
  • organize effectively foreign economic activity of business, trade and stock structures taking into account market conditions and existing legal norms;
  • solve professional tasks concerning organization of activity of business, trading and stock structures;
  • solve problems in crisis situations taking into account the influence of external and internal factors.

Our graduates work: in the planning-financial, economic departments of enterprises, state institutions, banks, commercial structures, engaged in own business activities, in research institutions, in public administration.

International cooperation

Development of international cooperation is one of the relevant problems of higher education quality provision in Ukraine. Establishment and expansion of international contacts enables the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship to gain access to the latest technologies and techniques in the fields of knowledge “Social and Behavioral Sciences” and “Management and Administration”, to increase the economists training level, to participate in international educational and scientific programs, to attract extra-budgetary sources of financing. All this requires targeted search, development of the own policy and practice.

One of the important stages of the international and scientific work of the Department was involvement in an international project CD_JEP-24244-2003 EU “Standards in Teaching International Tourism Economics” (EU_STITE) (Joint European Project 2004-2007 “European standards in teaching of economics of international tourism” which involved the joint work of three Ukrainian (Zhytomyr State Technological University (project coordinator), Ternopil National Economic University, Kyiv International University) and two foreign universities (State Technological Institute of Western Macedonia (Kozani, Greece), Technical University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain).

As the final stage of the project masters Kolesnik O., Goriunova Yu., Goraj D., Kuzhlyeva A., Grynyuk O. passed the externship at the Technical University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain) (2007) where they had the opportunity to prepare for the defense of master works. Defense was successfully held in June 2007 in Kiev with foreign partners participation. After the results of defense masters received state diplomas, certificate of recognition of diplomas in foreign countries partners on the project CD_JEP-24244-2003 EU “Standards in Teaching International Tourism Economics”.

Teachers of the Department of Economics of Enterprise actively carry out international activity, within which in 2013 there were signed agreements on cooperation in education and research with universities in other countries, including: Baranovychi State University (Republic of Belarus, Baranovyci), Karshi Engineering-Economic Institute (Uzbekistan, Carashi), Economic Academy named after D.A. Tsenov (Svischov, Bulgaria). Within the framework of agreements with educational institutions of France - State Educational Institution of Professional Training «La Saussaye» (Chartres) and L’EPLEFPA de VICOEN-BIGORRE (Vic-en-Bigor) 6 teachers (associate professors Valinkevych N.V., Jushkewich O.O., Pavlova S.I., Denysyuk O.G., Tkachuk G.U. and graduate student Orlova K.E) and students of the Department participated in the program of scientific and technical exchange in the sphere of economics and management of food industry and agriculture enterprises organized by the French agro-industrial association «KI-France» with the support of the French Embassy in Ukraine.


Address: 103, Chudnivska str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine
Cabinets: 401-а, 404, 410, 414a, 416
Tel.: +38 (0412) 24-09-93