Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics

From 2003 the department of personnel management and labour economics provides training specialists of personnel management and labour economics (full-time and distance learning):

  • in the direction training bachelors of personnel management and labour economics (6.030505);
  • specialists of personnel management and labour economics (7.03050501);
  • magisters of personnel management and labour economics (8.03050501);

In 2015 the educational process provide by 14 senior lecturers, including 3 professors and 6 associate professors.

Science work of senior lecturers of the department directed on execution of dissertation research, publishing articles, preparation monography, guide scientific work of students, etc.

Since 2012 science research implemented by senior lecturers on the subject №0112U007346 «Employment management in terms of socially oriented economy». For this work also attracted young scientists, postgraduates, magisters and students, who are able to research activities.

Developments of practical management personnel school have theoretical and practical use. It’s really can be applied on the enterprises of different ownership and kinds of management.

Practical and theoretical results of scientific and research work during last 5 years presented in 12 monographs (including 2 cathedral), 4 books and 5 textbooks.

Senior lecturers of the department participate in conferences, scientific and methodical seminars of different levels (74 events). They are publishing articles in professional journals (80 articles) and foreign editions (15 publications).

The students of our department are participants and winners of national olympiads in human resources and labour economics. Also they are the winners of the contests of students’ scientific work. The results of students scientific work was published in 117 thesis and articles during last 5 years.

Prospects of the development of scientific activity in the department of personnel management and labour economics associated with the further development of practical management school which is currently headed by PhD, professor Evdokimov V.V. The personnel management school allows students to acquire skills of creation and implementation of social and economic projects, learn the art of management within the work of students’ scientific classes, like «Labour market and state regulation of employment» (supervisor, associate professor Kulakovska L.P.), «Management project in social and labour spheres» (supervisor, associate professor Bogoyavlenska J.V.), «HR Technologies» (supervisor, associate professor Obihod S.V.). Since 2008 we have Scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists «Current problems of personnel management and labour economics». Materials of the conference are published as a separate collection of reports.

Scientific and methodical activities of senior lecturers of the department based on relations with educational institutions, research organizations and government institutions in the field of labor and employment. Where are Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, Zhytomyr Regional Employment Center, Department of Labour and Social Protection of People of Zhytomyr Regional State Administration, Institute of Demography and Social Research, Kyiv National Economic University, Lutsk National Technical University, etc. The department cooperates with the universities of Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, France. Where are international projects, conferences, seminars, training and ets.

The department staff provides high quality teaching and attracts young people to science work.