The Department of Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies Named After Prof. B.B. Samotokin

Direction of training

The department of automation and computer-integrated technologies named after prof. B.B. SAMOTOKIN (A and CIT) graduates students with bachelor and master's degree in speciality 151 "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" (until 2016 the department graduated bachelors in the area of "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" and master's degrees and specialists in speciality "Technological Process Automated Control").

Information technologies are the basis of modern industrial and household systems. Automated control of technological processes offers design and implementation of automated control systems in key branches of industry. Control systems development involves use of modern automation means as microprocessor computational machinery, information and measurement technics, numerical control equipment, industrial robots, communication networks, artificial intelligence etc.

The department trains highly skilled specialists that are in demand in the market and who are capable to develop both basic electric drive control schemes and complex technological process control systems in food, building materials, electrical power, metalworking and any other industry.

Graduates of the dapartment A and CITwho are now acting teachers

The graduates are involved into various types of engineering activities, including:

  • Designing: the development of automated systems for technological parameters and processes control;
  • Project-making: the development of automated control systems at preconstruction stages;
  • Technological: automated system establishment;
  • Operating: automated system maintenance;
  • Managerial: automated control system operation.

The graduates occupy such positions as:

  • Production Automated Control System Engineer;
  • Automated Information Processing System Engineer;
  • Chief Expert in Automated Control Systems;
  • Chief Expert in Automated Systems Establishment and Adjustment;
  • Chief Expert in Measuring Devices and Automatics;
  • Head of the Automation Production Processes Department;
  • Head of Enterprise Technical Unit;
  • Lecturer and researcher at University.

Head of the Department

Andrii Tkachuk
Andrii Tkachuk

Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Senior teacher, Member of Scientific Advice and Advice of Young Scientists of ZSTU. Graduated from Zhytomyr state technological university in 2011 and got master's degree in the technological processes automation. In 2014 defended candidate's dissertation on a theme the "Piezoelectric gravimeter of automated aviation gravimetric system" in speciality 05.11.01 "Devices and methods of measuring of mechanical sizes". In 2014 became the laureate of award of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine for the best advanced studies among young scientists. Now has over 100 scientific publications among them 3 monographs, 10 patents of Ukraine on inventions and 15 articles in foreign scientific magazines and editions that are included in world science- metrics databases.

Scientific interests: automated aviation gravimetrical systems, piezoelectric sensors, modern information-measurement systems, stabilization systems

Contacts office 126,,

Teaching Staff


Training facilities

The department is the oldest and one of the leading departments in the University which unite decades of education experience with young specialists' energy and modern knowledge. The curriculums are rich with subjects concerning all aspects of modern technological process control systems development on the basis of computer technologies.

The department gives an opportunity to study in the modern lecture rooms and laboratories equipped with modern machinery and get information from numerous accessible workbook, guides, other sources including electronic editions for each student. Students intensively study computer machinery, programming languages, software development environments, specialized software, and supervisory control and data acquisition systems.

Research activity is permanently carried out by the department researchers in the field of information processing in navigation, gravimetry, vibroprotection, automated assembly lines, and artificial satellites orientation.

Scientific School of Professor O. Bezvesilna

Scientific School of Professor V. Kirillovich

Department contact information

Address: 103, Chudnivska str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine
Office: 126, 119