The Department of Metrology and Information and Measuring Tеechnique

Direction of training

The Department of Metrology and information and measuring tеechnique was established in September 1971 as part of more general technical faculty of Kiev Polytechnic Institute; Department was called - "Department of Automation and remote control", was carried graduates and trained electrical engineers generalist specialty 0606 "Automation and Remote Control". The first head of department was appointed Ph.D., assistant professor Ishchenko Vasily Antonovich. In the years led the department: Morhunov Arkady Nikolayevich - June 1974; Tailor Leonid G. - August 1976, Zabashta Yuri Pavlovich - September 1981; Piece Stanislav O. - September 1988 Hnilitskyy Vitaly - November 1993. Since September 2012 the department is headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor Yuri A. Podchashynskyy.

The first issue of Electrical Engineers evening-classes took place in 1974, full-time - in 1977. In May 1977 from the Department of automation and remote control was allocated chair of theoretical foundations of electrical engineering and general electrical (now - "Department of automated process control and computer technologies"). Department of Automation and remote control in 1988 was called "Department of Automation and Control in technical systems" from 2012 is called " Computerized control systems and automation." Since 2017 department is called Metrology and information and measuring tеechnique.

The chair has released more than 2,500 engineers (specialists) and masters. Graduates of the department work according to their specialty not only in the former Soviet Union, but also in developed countries of Western Europe and America, like Korchev DV, Korzhuk AM - In the US, Shlayer GO - Canada, Kolodnytskyy MM - In the UK.

In different years the department was led by Arkady Morgunov - since June 1974; Kravets Leonid Grigorovich - since August, 1976; Zabashta Yuriy Pavlovich - since September 1981; A piece of Stanislav Aleksandrovich - from September 1988, Vitaliy Vitaliy - from November 1993 to July 2012.

Since September, 2012 the department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Podchashinsky Yuriy Aleksandrovich.

Head of the Department

Yuri Alexandrovich Podchashynskyy
Yuri Alexandrovich Podchashynskyy

Doctor of Science in Technology. He graduated from the Zhitomir branch of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute in 1987 with honors. The department is working since 1990 as an assistant (1990-1998.), Senior lecturer (1998-2003.), Associate professor (2003-2012 gg.), Head of the department (of 2012). Experience in the specialty - 25 years, including scientific and pedagogical - 22 years.

He defended his thesis for the degree of Ph.D. in 2002 at the National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" on "Methods and tools videovymiryuvan linear and angular movements." Rank of associate professor received in 2004.

Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Science in 2013 at the National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" on "Theory and principles of instrument systems for measuring geometric parameters of natural stone products for their video images."

Supervises graduate students, the perpetrators of the GDR state budget, head contractual research.

He has 190 publications, 26 patents for inventions Ukraine, is the author and co-author of 3 books, 5 manuals, 1 monograph.

Research interests: digital image processing and measurement signals; methods for measuring mechanical quantities in automated control systems; computerized methods of experimental data.

For some time worked at the Department teachers: Antipenko VI, Bibik OT, Bogdanov VN, Boroday VV Volohzhanin VE, Dejneka PA, MF Efremov, Zhirkov OM Zhurakovskyy Yu, VP Kazakov, Karhapolova NP, Smith AM, MK Komarov, V. Kornilov, Kusaylo VP Litvinov O .M., Loshkarova GM, Panishev AV Panov AF Pashkin IP, M. Petrosyan, broad-shouldered DE, Prilepsky ID, Skachkov VO ., Case NA, Suhoniako II, Tyutyunnik AG, Shvets VI, Ustavschykov H.T .; researchers, engineers -Berezok VA, VA Bidenko, Borodinov OV Vetlugina EP, Gorkusha LE, Korzhuk OM Korchev D., A. Krasevych M. Kubyshkin MM, VV Stump, stump LA, Levchenko SM, Leurdo YM, Lipcani DC Makahonov JG, VP Manoylova , Marina ED, broad-shouldered NG, Soldubayev AI, Tyeryentyev VP, Ticino AP, Tkachenko ZF, Tsyporenko VG, Yartsun TP, Lobanchikova N.M. and others.

The department has three specialized laboratories with the necessary equipment and computer lab; computers united in local network and have access to the Internet.

The department has always been the attitude to scientific research, as part of the required edge preparation valuable specialists because the work involved in it encourages teachers constantly improve skills, to have information about the latest scientific and technological achievements in the field of professional interest. In addition, as the experience of the Department, participation in R & D (research) students greatly increases their level of training, significantly reduces the graduates to adapt production conditions.

In the 70's - 80's of last century in the department acted scientific unit employees who were engaged exclusively to research and design developments. Forces this unit, which consisted of 20-30 professionals work performed by hospdohovoramy, the volume of which reached hundreds of thousands of rubles. Customers were converted enterprises and organizations that create electronic systems for military use. The main theme of works: analog and digital handling of radio and acoustic signals for the purpose of analyzing and identifying characteristics. By means of contractual works were purchased many radio measuring and diagnostic equipment, oscilloscopes, frequency counters, signal generators, spectrum analyzer, power supplies, logic analyzers, etc. Supervisor These were originally Tailor LG, later - Hnilitskyy V. and SO piece.

After 1991, the need for deep scientific research, and therefore - and funding almost disappeared, and scientific laboratory as a separate unit, ceased to exist. However, ongoing research work carried out and the lecturer. Significantly changed the subject work. They were "civil" and more regional targeted at solving problems Zhytomyr.

Much attention is paid to the introduction of modern information technology in medicine. Work was carried out, the purpose of which was to improve the quit-rents cardiograms, automated determination of therapeutic doses of radiation in the treatment of cancer patients in radiology departments (Kupkin ES); According to the latest study was published monograph. Along with the scientific and industrial innovation by "Diagnosis" (c. Zhitomir) developed and implemented at the Institute of Otolaryngology them. prof. Kolomyychenko Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev) hardware and software system for analyzing human voice acoustic parameters to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders.

Scientific research Podchashynskoho YO in the field of digital image processing, embedded in the research of mechanical characteristics of structural materials, formed the basis of his doctoral thesis, which he defended in 2002 (supervisor Hnilitskyy VV)

One of the areas of present-day scientific research department - the use of modern digital technologies for energy conservation purposes based on microprocessor technology. It is active former graduate student of the department, and now - teacher Petrosyan RV He is completing a rather complex scientific work on the analysis of power quality.

Built on the results of this system will identify the causes of deterioration of power quality, provide recommendations for improvement.

With the participation of teachers of the department during 2003-2012 years a 4 state budget state budget Fundamental research:

  • №17 «Study possibility of determining the quality of the information provided and decorative stone cladding on the basis of their computer processing of images" (2002-2003.), Supervisor d.fiz.-mat.n. Sci. Mihaylenko VV, the perpetrators PhD. Hnilitskyy VV, performers PhD. Kupkin ES, PhD. Podchashynskyy YO
  • The results make it possible to determine the parameters of color, geometric dimensions of crystals, cleavage and other features machined surface of natural stone. These results are the basis for the creation of the modern computer bank of digital color images with natural stone deposits in Ukraine.
  • №18 «A new type of non-contact precision electric" (2004-2006.) Supervisor Professor Grabar IG, the perpetrators PhD. Hnilitskyy VV, performers Petrosyan R., Y. Antipenko The result of the study was a new type of synchronous induction motor that provides precise working angle of rotation, enables adaptive control, provides a wide range of adjustment speed.
  • №21 «Research and development of new dynamic custom Gravity for precision navigation and gravimetric systems" (2006-2008.), Supervisor Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, prof. Bezvesilna OM, the perpetrators PhD. Podchashynskyy YO.
  • №25 «The theory and principles of construction of two-dimensional measurements of mechanical quantities" (2009-2011.), Supervisor Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, prof. Bezvesilna OM, the perpetrators PhD. Podchashynskyy YO.
  • No. 33 "Scientific fundamentals and fundamental researches of the instrument system for measuring mechanical quantities with digital video images". RK 0112U001793 (2012-2014), scientific director Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, prof. Bezvessly OM, responsible performer Podchashinsky Yu.O., together with the department of AUP and CT
  • No. 39 "System research and optimization of conditions for the use of biodiesel from alternative raw materials" of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2015-2017g.), Scientific supervisor Dr. prof. Podchashnyskiy Yu.O., together with departments of physics and higher mathematics, automobile and automation of the economy.

Currently featuring state-teachers of the department performed research №33 «Scientific bases and basic research instrument systems for measuring mechanical quantities of digital video images (from 2012)," supervisor prof. Bezvesilna OM, the perpetrators PhD. Podchashynskyy YO The aim is to improve the accuracy and speed, extend the functionality of the instrument system for measuring mechanical quantities through the development and application of methods of generating and measuring algorithmic processing video information about these values. The peculiarity of algorithmic processing techniques is the use of artificial neural networks in terms of adverse factors and non-stationary object in measurements. Based on the video are determined by the geometrical parameters and parameters of objects measurements. These parameters can have independent meaning or be the basis for determining other mechanical quantities characterizing the properties of objects measurements in automated control systems.

According to the results of research №21,25,33, 39 published 7 monographs, 3 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, 2 manuals, 9 patents for inventions Ukraine, trained 12 masters research projects.

Department staff computerized control systems and automation

Teachers of the department Hnilitskyy VV Kupkin ES, Chepyuk LA participated in international projects under the program TEMPUS, to standards at universities in Europe: Italy (Parma University), Germany (University of Applied Sciences,. Mittvayda, Dresden Technical University).

The staff and students of the department - active organizers and participants of international conferences and seminars held at the ZSTU. In particular, you can specify the following conferences:

  • 7-9 грудня 2006 р. - III International Scientific Conference "Information and computer technology - 2006" with the participation of scientists from Poland, Belarus, Ukraine;
  • 9-11 січня 2007 р. - VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Practical aerospace and high technology", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of aircraft design spacecraft academician SP The Queen, who was born January 12, 1907 in Zhytomyr;
  • 14-16 March 2007 - XXXI Interuniversity scientific and practical conference dedicated to the Day of the University, the technical, economic, humanitarian, environmental and natural areas;
  • 18-19 березня 2008 р. - XXXIII Interuniversity scientific and practical conference dedicated to the Day of the University;
  • 2008. - IV International Scientific Conference "Information and Computer Technologies 2008";
  • 2009 р. XXXV Interuniversity scientific and practical conference dedicated to the Day of the University;
  • 2010, 2011, 2012 - according XXXV, XXXVI, XXXII scientific-practical interuniversity conference, dedicated to the Day of the University;
  • 2010-2017 - scientific-practical inter-university on-line conferences devoted to the Day of the University;
  • 2010-2018 - respectively, the International Scientific and Technical Conference "Information and Computer Technologies 2018".

Scientists of the department participating in international exhibitions with its innovative scientific research.

The results of the department on the issue of industry experts for Ukraine are in the diagram:

The dynamics of experts Department for 1994-2012 years

Training facilities

The Department has a full-time teachers and part-time teachers.