Department of computer engineering

Information about the department

The history of the department begins from September 2001 (order number 465 from 18.09.2001r.). The founder of the department and its first head is a well-known scientist in the field of computer science and computer modeling prof. Panishev A.V.

Teaching staff of the department consists of 6 employees, including: Ph.D., professors – 1, PhD – 2, senior teachers – 2, assistant - 1. In terms of staff plurality : 1 Ph.D., Professor and 2 PhDs, associate professors are working at the department.

The professors teach information science, programming fundamentals, object-based programming, computer graphics, web design, Web programming, databases, advanced software packages and special disciplines at all faculties.

The main disciplines are provided with electronic versions of lectures and practical classes, electronic test system, which is available to all users in a local university network. The disciplines taught at the department give professionals knowledge and skills for working in operating systems, algorithmic languages, methods of development and debugging of applications for solving various engineering problems. While holding courses, the department uses new approaches and modern information technology.

Much attention at the department is paid to scientific work. Major areas of the department members’ researches are:

  • The formation of new and analysis of existing algorithms and discrete optimization techniques in the management of production and transport systems;
  • Modern technologies in the development of websites and portals.

In 2014, the Department established Educational Portal ZSTU, where educational materials from all disciplines taught at the university are placed.

In 2015, the University received a license for training specialists in the direction 6.050102 "Computer Engineering".


A Scientific Laboratory operates at the Department since its foundation. The researches at the department are conducted on a priority direction "Informational and Communicative Technologies". Technologies and methods of mathematical modeling, optimization and system analysis of solving complicated problems of national importance under the guidance of prof. Panishev A. V.

During 2006-2008, the department staff members took part in performing a fundamental research №106U008579 "Development and improvement of scheduling theory and the study of transport operations using modern computer technology".

In 2012, the staff of the department successfully completed implementation of fundamental research on public order "The development of methods for combinatorial optimization in tasks for construction closed trails in graphs and networks" (state registration number: №111U001777). Together with the staff of the department in the project participated students of ZSTU, who defended their graduate master's theses and diplomas due to the research results.

In 2013-2014 the department staff performed the applied researches within the state budget project №113U002336 «Development of modern methods of discrete optimization and computer technologies in transport logistics."

Key publications department:

  1. Панишев А. В. Модели и методы оптимизации замкнутых маршрутов на транспортной сети: монография / А. В. Панишев, А. В. Морозов. - Житомир: ЖГТУ, 2014. – 316 с.
  2. Войтенко В.В. Морозов А.В. С/С++: теорія та практика: навчально-методичний посібник. – Житомир: ЖДТУ, 2003. – 324 с.
  3. Скрипник Б.А., Морозов А.В. Русско-французский технический словарь ЛЕГОТЕКС. – Житомир: Изд-во «Волынь», 2010. – 272 с.
  4. Панишев А. В., Плечистый Д. Д. Модели и методы оптимизации в проблеме коммивояжера. – Житомир: ЖГТУ, 2006. – 300с.
  5. Панішев А.В., Данильченко О.М., Скачков В.О. Вступ до теорії складності дискретних задач. – Житомир: ЖДТУ, 2004. – 326 с.
  6. Панішев А.В., Подоляка О.О., Подоляка О.М. Комп’ютерно-тренажерний практикум з програмування на мові С++: Навчальний посібник для самостійної роботи. – Житомир: ЖДТУ, 2004. – 200 с.

The main scientific publications of the Computer Engineering Department:

  1. Ovezgeldyyev A.O. Developing the Branch and Bound Method in the Problem of Searching for the Optimal Cyclic Route (Cyclic Rural Postman Problem) / A.O. Ovezgeldyyev, A.V.Morozov // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. – September 2013, Volume 49, Issue 5. – pp. 739-748.
  2. Овезгельдыев А.О. Развитие метода ветвей и границ в задаче поиска оптимального кольцевого маршрута / О.А. Овезгельдыев, А.В. Морозов // Кибернетика и системный анализ. – 2013. – №5. – С. 112-123.
  3. Морозов А.В. Метод гілок та меж у гамільтоновій задачі про сільського листоношу / А.В.Морозов, А.В.Панішев // Системні дослідження та інформаційні технології. – 2012. – №2, С. 57-66.
  4. Яремчук С.І. Використання паралельних обчислень у методі «P-алгоритм» / С.І.Яремчук, А.В. Морозов, С.Л.Кондратовець, Р.М. Криворучко // Second International Conference "Cluster Computing". – Ukraine, Lviv, June 3-5, 2013. – С. 234-239.
  5. Левченко А.Ю. Механизм ускорения вычислений в методе Литтла для решения задач класса коммивояжера / А. Ю. Левченко, А. В. Морозов, А. В. Панишев // Искусственный интеллект. – 2012 – Вып. 2. – С. 95–110.

The professors of the department take part in international scientific conferences; publish research results in national and international journals.

Teaching Process

The following disciplines are taught at the department today:

  • Basic Programming
  • Information
  • Basic Programming
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Fundamentals of Software Engineering
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Complexity theory of extreme problems
  • Distributed and parallel systems
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Graphics
  • Information Systems and Technologies
  • Computer Networks
  • Technology development of network applications
  • Online programming
  • Web Design
  • Architecture and Web Services Technology
  • Software Quality and Testing

Contact Information

Address: 103, Chudnivska str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine
Offices: 333
Telephone: +38 (0412) 37-46-17