Department of software systems

History of department

The history of department of software systems began in October, 1991. Newly created department of software computing was headed by its founder Panishev Anatoliy Vasylyovich. Exactly with the name of A.V.Panishev the beginning of preparation of programmers in ZSTU is associated.

First teachers of department were Reshetnik M. P., Skachkov V.A., Klodnicki N. N. and Efremov N. F. They provided educational process from the beginning for all another specialties in the institute. The situation changed in 1992 when the department was able to prepare students for the new specialty - 7.080403 " Software of automated systems ". At the same time the department was headed by new principal, Ph.D., Associate Professor Alexander M. Danilchenko. In the same year he made the first group of students (25 people) - a group of AK-1. Since 1994, the Department was entitled to prepare specialists in software, so in 1996 it's own specialists were joined to the staff of the department – they were the best graduates Vlasenko O.V., Rozhyk O.O., Boltushkina K.V., Zaschypas S.M. and Orynchak I.A.. At that time the amount of students has doubled, because of that the number of teachers also increased: Yaemchuk S.I., Rosinskij Y.M., Tchaikovsky S.S., Moskalenko S.V., Korzhuk О.М, Voitenko V.V., Severin A.O., Kryzhanivsky V.B., Illin G.P., Bilodid Y.M. . Since 1999 the Department has begun to teach students for master degree, the first graduation of which was held in September 2000. Postgraduate studies was opened in 2004.

Information about the department

Today the educational process at the department is provided by 18 scientific-pedagogical workers, including 2 professors and 11 PhDs. Teachers of the Department teach 68 disciplines of the main specialty and 12 General engineering disciplines for other departments. There are 5 classrooms for laboratory studies at the Department. Every year the modernization of computer equipment takes place. All computers have access to the Internet. The Department is fully equipped with licensing programs for teaching students, namely in: operating system Microsoft Windows 7/8/8 .1, Microsoft Office 2010/2013, Microsoft Visual Studio 2012/2013, SQL Server 2012 etc.

Today, all disciplines of the Department are accompanied by electronic versions of lectures, practical and laboratory classes, systems tests, which are available for users of the local and global network. Constant development of new courses, improvement of the content of practical and laboratory classes are made in order to meet the modern development of computer science.

The Department provides training of bachelors in 6.050103 "Software engineering", specialty 7.05010301 "Software systems" and the masters degree in 8.05010301 "Software systems".

An employment of graduates is 100%. Due to cooperation with leading companies that develop software, students directions 6.050103 "Software engineering" begin to work starting from the second year of study combining their job and study successfully).

Graduates of 7.05010301, 8.05010301 specialty "systems Software" establish themself successfully in Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Lviv and other cities of Ukraine and in Russia and abroad (one of the graduates of the chair,whose former teacher was Kurata S. C. is a software engineer in one of the firms of Microsoft Corporation in the United States; with his assistance a package license Microsoft software was purchased).

In their spare time, students have the opportunity to play football, badminton, basketball, chess and tennis and table tennis.

Head of the Department

Anatoliy Vasylyovich Panishev
Anatoliy Vasylyovich Panishev

PhD, Professor, distinguished professor of ZSTU.

Doctor of Science from 1990, professor since 1991.

He was born in Krasnokutsk Kharkiv region on November 24, 1944. In 1967. he graduated from the Kharkov Institute of industrial automation electronics (Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics). In 1968 he worked as a teacher in the industrial electrical disciplines college (city Inta, Komi Republic).

Since 1969, engineer, assistant of the Department of technical Cybernetics, Kharkiv Institute of radio electronics ( Kharkiv national University of radio electronics). In 1974 he defended his thesis on the specialty 05.13.01 - technical Cybernetics, information theory.

Since 1975, senior lecturer, associate Professor of state of the ЖФ КПИ. Further, since 1980 Professor of the Department of automation and computer engineering in Kharkov automobile and road Institute (Kharkiv national automobile and highway University). In 1989 he defended his doctoral dissertation. Since 1991, Professor, head of Informatics Department, Kharkiv automobile and road Institute. In 1991-1992 he worked part-time in the state of the ЖФ КПИ, he founded and became a head of the Department of software computing. In 2001,he finally went to work in Zhytomyr engineering and technological Institute, where he created a new Department of computer science and computer modeling , was its founder and first head. He published more than 250 scientific papers. Under his leadership, 14 graduate students defended their dissertations.

Possible areas of the research results of the Department usage:

  • designing transport, computer, electricity and other networks;
  • planning of production processes;
  • artificial intelligence systems;
  • analysis, modeling, and optimization of existing systems

Contacts e-mail:


Research work at the Department is conducted in three areas:

  • development of modern methods of discrete optimization and computer technologies in transport logistics (prof. Panishev A. V.);
  • placement optimization of discrete sources of physical fields (prof. Yaremchuk S.I.);
  • Mathematical modeling of technical and natural systems, research problems of man-machine interaction (doc. Levitsky V.G.).

Over the past 10 years, scholars, educators Department performers were 3 state budget themes:

  • №0106U008579 «Development and improvement of scheduling theory and the study of transport operations using modern computer technology" (2006-2008.);
  • №0111U001777 «Development of methods for combinatorial optimization problems in construction of closed trails in graphs and networks" (2011-2012.);
  • №113U002336 «Development of modern methods of discrete optimization and computer technologies in transport logistics" (2013-2014.).

Teachers Department participated in international scientific and educational projects:

  • Tempus Joint European Project 2005 - EU-UA Master Degree in Software Engineering
  • NATO LST.CLG.980461 - Food Safety: Risk Analysis Of Living On Contaminated Territories
  • Tempus CD_JEP-23250-2002 - Master of Business Administration & Information Technologies (MBA & IT)
  • International University Master - Science and Technology for Sustainable Development of Contaminated Sites
  • Tempus JEP-10435-98 - Environmental Sciences in Relation to the Implication of Radiation Exposure in HealthCare

Were trained in foreign universities:

  • (2009) Gorlitz, Germany. University Zittau - Gorlitz. Member of the Tempus Joint European Project 2005 - EU-UA Master Degree in Software Engineering.
  • (2008) Liberec, Czech Republic. Technical University of Liberec. Member of the Tempus Joint European Project 2005 - EU-UA Master Degree in Software Engineering.
  • (2007) Wroclaw, Poland. Wroclaw University of Technology. Member of the Tempus Joint European Project 2005 - EU-UA Master Degree in Software Engineering.
  • (2004) Evry, France. Institut National des Telecommunications. Member of the Tempus-Tacis Joint European Project (CD_JEP-23250-2002, Master of Business Administration & Information Technologies (MBA & IT)).
  • (2004) Florence, Italy. University of Florence, Dept. Clinical Physiopathology. Investigator in the project "Food Safety: risk analysis of living on contaminated territories "(LST.CLG.980461, NATO Science Programme, Cooperative Science and Technology Sub-Programme, Collaborative Linkage Grant).
  • (2003) Parma, Italy. The University of Parma, Environmental Sciences Department. Instructor for the master course in mathematical modeling. The Course of International University Master (II level) in "Science and technology for sustainable development of contaminatedsites ".
  • (2000) Gent, Belgium. The University of Gent, The Centre of Radiation Control. Member of the Tempus-Tacis Joint European Project (JEP-10435-98, Environmental Sciences in Relation to the Implication of Radiation Exposure in Health Care).
  • (1999) Parma, Italy. The University of Parma, Environmental Sciences Department. Member of the Tempus-Tacis Joint European Project (JEP-10435-98, Environmental Sciences in Relation to the Implication of Radiation Exposure in Health Care).

Students and science Olympiad

Every year the Department conducts student programming contest, the winners of which represent the University at the national level. Results of participation in competitions for the last 3 years show a high level of students:

  • 2014
    • A team of students (Petriv R. M., Marchuk D.K., Dyukov O. M.) took first place in final phase Ukrainian Student Olympiad from programming in the second group (Kharkiv).
    • Struk S. U. And Artemchuk S. A. received a commendation for the presentation of their own developments at the Congress of creative youth in Zhytomyr region(Zhytomyr, ZHMI SUT).
  • 2013
    • A team of students (Shubovych A. G., Lozko E. A., Stakhov D. O.) Took second place in final phase Ukrainian Student Olympiad from programming in the second group (Kharkiv).
    • Wolynetz R.V. and Lyetoshko A. I. received a commendation for the presentation of their own developments at the exhibition " High-tech achievements of the young generation "(Zhitomir, ZHMI NAU).
  • 2012
    • Student Orlov R.V. took second place in student math competition in group technology universities.
    • A team of students (Kolodyazhkyy C. K., Orlov P. V. Kravchuk D. O.) Took third place in final phase Ukrainian Student Olympiad from programming in the second group (Kharkiv).

Under the guidance of teachers, students are involved in scientific research, make presentations at seminars and conferences; the best scientific research published. In particular, under the guidance of prof. Yaremchuk S.I. became a regular seminars on "Mathematical models and optimization techniques of distributed discrete sources of physical fields", prof. Panisheva A.V. - On "Mathematical models and optimization techniques of closed trails in transport logistics" and others.

Contact Information

Address: 103, Chudnivska str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine
Offices: 106 (Chair), 108 (teaching)
Telephone: +38 (0412) 41-85-42