The Department of Physical Education

History of Department Foundation

Department of Physical Education as a independent unit was founded in 1980.Until that from 1971 it was functioning as a Department of Foreign Languages section as part of the Zhitomir branch of Kiev Polytechnic Institute.The head of the section was V.D. Volkov. The Section comprises the first tutors future ZDTU M.M Tepliakov, E.V Dubovitskij, I.E. Chuprakova

From 1980 to 2000 department was headed by Associate Professor, honored worker of physical culture and sports of Ukraine, master of Sports of USSR, excellent scholar Zhelieznuj D.V. It was under his leadership, the university athletes received authority to regional and national competitions, with its initiatives and direct management gets the creation of sports clubs, construction of many sports facilities and conduct interesting sporting events. In subsequent years, the department was headed by I.V. Odnovorchenko, and since 2003 candidate of pedagogical science I.I. Petrenko.

The first of the department has a large amount of training and mass sports activities among students. In Attendance mandatory training sessions trained students in groups of sports improvement in basketball, volleyball, football, athletics, gymnastics, academic rowing.Youth enthusiastically engaged in physical education and sport.

For example, in 1982 the national team volleyball players (girls) took part in the sports schools and Ukraine took the second place.

Pupils branch KPI Sports Club overcame significant top sport not only in our country. Their names shone on international competitions.In such a way O.Zarytska won the USSR Cup. In 1987 she performed the standard master of sports of judo, and in 1990 - with Sambo. The same kind of struggle it was champion of the USSR and the world; I.Dorfman - international grand master, world champion in the team competition of chess.

Master of sports of international class in rowing L.Franchuk in 1990 in international competitions in the US gaining a bronze medal. And Oleg Rudenko, speaking in 1994 at the World Championships in China, is the silver medalist of acrobatics.

With the development of Zhytomyr branch of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute greatly expanded and equipped with the department of physical education qualified teachers. Teaching process performed H.Zasik, Yu.Melihov, V.Teyze, V.Ihnatyev, F.Voloshenko, O.Bondarchuk, O.Kravchuk, O.Krupenin, I.Chuprakova, Ye.Dubovytskyy.

In connection with the reorganization of Zhytomyr branch of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in Zhytomyr Institute of Engineering and Technology, in order to improve future work the institute was established Council for Physical Culture and Sports headed by the rector Doctor of Technical Sciences , Professor BB Samotokin (1979- 2000 pp.), Composed of deans of faculties and public organizations representatives. This enabled us to clearly lead the learning process of physical education and sport to encourage mass work in the departments.

Annually organized sports festivals of the fourteen sports. The winners of these festivals were faculties FIKT (Dean – candidate of technical sciences associate professor Povidajmo P.M. FEM (Dean candidate of economic sciences, professor Kulakivska LP); FIM (Dean candidate of technical sciences associate professor V.V. Serov). It was massive, spectacular competitions award winners valuable prizes. During this period, the lecturer was prepared 12 masters of sports, 28 candidates for master of sports and nearly 500 athletes arresters. Since 2003, the department developed new areas of physical education students taking into account the social order of society, physical fitness requirements for students who have found their reproduction in the target complex program "Physical Education - Health of the Nation".

Improved system of training teams and sports reserve university, research methods and their medical support.

A real conditions for the realization of physical abilities of students, teachers, directing them to the physical formation and self-improvement by means of physical culture and sports.

Provides saving material and sports facilities, defines the strategic directions of its development.

The Department of Physical Education's task was further struktural i improving technical work, implementation of the learning process elements of research in physical education, sports, physical rehabilitation. To meet these new challenges and was intended activities of the faculty of the department. However, the University conducted extensive work on the implementation of physical culture in everyday life of students and teachers. The department developed teaching materials, teaching aids, including a handbook of self-control students during physical training and sports, physical education students special training department and others.

ZSTU has glorious sporting tradition. So team of university basketball regularly since 1996, ranks prizes in competitions teams of higher educational institutions Zhytomyr.

Fine athletes of weight lifting and powerlifting trained Senior Lecturer, Master of Sports V. Lemeshko. 8 masters of sports, 22 candidates for master of sports, 6 winners of national and international competitions - a sport contribution to the treasury of the university.

University sporting facilities is modern equipped complex, where classes of general physical training and sports improvement made by the students' choice of sports such as basketball, volleyball, table tennis, football, badminton, athletics, martial arts and athletic exercises, weight sport, chess; tennis court and playground open type - for playing indoor soccer. In addition to the mandatory classes on physical training that the curriculum during the year in sports the University conducted a large number of competitions local, regional and national level. Often teachers of the department provide officiate at national competitions in various sports.

The Department continues to rehabilitation and recreational activities among the teaching staff of the University. Lecturer, International Master of Sports I.V. Tsud holds regular classes with the students and staff of the University of shaping, teacher V.I. Petrenko – Badminton.

The collective of department of Physical Education

Now the department consists of 17 teachers, including 3 associate professors, 1 Pedagogical sciences 1 honored worker of Ukraine, 2 Honored Coach of Ukraine, 1 Master of Sports of Ukraine, 6 masters of sports of the USSR, 3 judges of national category.

The sport life of the university is saturated, because only physically healthy students and teachers can ensure the successful implementation of the tasks facing the many thousands of university staff. Health of the nation - its future.

The Head of the Department

Grygoriy Borisovich Zasik
Grygoriy Borisovich Zasik

Head of the Department of Physical Education Zhytomyr State Technological University in June 2010, Judge national category basketball, basketball federation president Zhytomyr.

Graduated from the Mykolaiv State Pedagogical Institute (1974) and the Faculty of Economics of Zhytomyr State Technological University. Winner of the championship of USSR basketball Universities. Participant 4 Sport festivals.

Deputy Regional Council, member of the executive Bogunsky District Council, member of the regional branch of the NOC of Ukraine.

Teaching activities successfully combines scientific work. Participant of national and international scientific conferences.