Industrial Machinery Engineering Department

Information on department

In 1975, the department was created "Metal-cutting machine tools and tools", whose head was appointed by Yevhen Kobzar. For almost 16 years from the department "Metal-cutting machine tools and tools" (from 1988 - "Metal-cutting machine tools and systems") from 1982 to 1998 he headed to. so-called, associate professor Georgy Vasilyuk.

In 1998, two departments were united: technologies of mechanical engineering and metal-cutting machine tools and systems, and the department of technology of mechanical engineering and designing of technical systems was created.

The Staff of the Department of Industrial Machinery Engineering

The Department of Metal Cutting Machines and Systems was created as an independent unit of Zhytomyr State Technological University on July 1, 2013, according to the Order of April 10, 2013, No. 109, taking into account the decision of the Academic Council of the University, according to from Article 30 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", Art. 3.5 of the Charter of Zhytomyr State Technological University, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 09.08.2001 №978 "On Approval of the Regulation on Accreditation of Higher Educational Institutions and Specialties in Higher Educational Institutions and Higher Professional Schools", Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 08.08.07 No. 1019 "On Licensing Educational Services for the Provision of Educational Services", in order to comply with the current legislation, to streamline the organizational structure of a higher educational institution, to ensure high quality of educational pr on the basis of the department "Technology of mechanical engineering and design of technical systems".

In April 2017, the department of metal-cutting machine tools and systems was renamed according to the title of graduation specialty at the department of Industrial Machinery Engineering.

Head of the department of "Metal-cutting Machines and Systems"

Yaroslav Stepchin
Yaroslav Stepchin

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Graduated from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 1993 with honors. Qualification mechanic engineer, specialty "Technology of mechanical engineering". Since February, 1996 has started to work as an assistant at the department of metal-cutting machine tools and systems of ZHITI.

Since 2003 - Associate Professor of the Department "Technologies of Mechanical Engineering and Design of Technical Systems".

In June 2006, he defended his Ph.D. thesis. He graduated from doctoral studies at ZHDTU. He is the author of more than 40 scientific and methodological works, including a manual "Equipment and transportation of machining workshops".

Scientific interests: dynamics of mechanical systems; mathematical modeling.

The teaching staff of the Department



The department conducts training and is a graduating specialist 133 «Industrial Machinery Engineering». The department also trains specialists of higher qualification in post-graduate and doctoral studies in specialty 05.03.01 "Processes of mechanical processing, machine tools and tools".

Specialist-mechanic can occupy the following positions at industrial enterprises, design, research organizations and institutions and educational institutions:

  • Chief engineer;
  • Head of Production Department;
  • Chief of production;
  • Head of the repair shop;
  • Head of the site;
  • Chief of service (industry);
  • Chief Engineer;
  • Head of the department of mechanization and automation of production processes;
  • Head of the department of scientific and technical information;
  • The head of the production department;
  • Equipment engineer;
  • Engineer on mechanization and automation of production processes;
  • Engineer in the organization of operation and repair;
  • Repair engineer;
  • Engineer in calculations and regimes;
  • Engineer for the introduction of new technology and technology;
  • Engineer for the mechanization of labor-intensive processes;
  • Engineer for adjustment and testing;
  • Engineer for designing mechanized developments;
  • Engineer-researcher;
  • Engineer-designer.

In the process of studying, students study courses of humanitarian disciplines (history, philosophy, sociology, foreign language and others) of fundamental disciplines (mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science), professionally oriented disciplines (engineering graphics, technology of structural materials and material science, theoretical mechanics, resistance materials, the theory of machines and mechanisms, parts of machines) and special disciplines in the chosen specialty.

Educational Activities

For the successful implementation and practical implementation of the concept of education at the department a plan for educational work with students has been developed, according to which the directions, forms and methods of educational work, active inclusion of the student in the educational process on the principles of cooperation, dialogue, partnership, high demands and deep respect for it are provided.

The plan outlines the general and specific tasks of educational work and methodical recommendations for its implementation.

Contact information

Address: 103, Chudnivska str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine
Offices: 110 (teaching)