The teaching staff of the Department of Physics and Higher Mathematics

Olexander Ivanovich Prilipko
Olexander Ivanovich Prilipko

Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Associate Professor of the Department of Physics and Higher Mathematics.
Scientific interests: algebraic methods of research in mathematical physics.
He is engaged in algebraic methods of research of equations of mathematical physics. Investigated some classes of symmetry operators of Breit, Schrödinger, Klein-Gordon-Fock equations and Kemer-Defin-Petier equations. About 40 scientific and methodological works have been published.
Basic scientific works:

  1. Нікітін А.Г., Онуфрійчук С.П., Прилипко О.І. Оператори симетрії рівняння Брейта //Доп. АН УРСР. Сер.А.- 1990. № 6.
  2. Никитин А.Г., Прилипко А.И. Обобщенные тензоры Киллинга и симметрия уравнения Клейна-Гордона-Фока.- Киев, 1990.-59с.-(Препр./АН УССР. Ин-т математики; 90.23).
  3. Onufriichuk S.P. and Prylypko O.I. Symmetry of a two-particle equation for parastates //Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 1996, v.3, № 3-4.
  4. Onufriichuk S.P. and Prylypko O.I. Higher order symmetry operators for the Schodinger equation // Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 1997, v.2.

Ruslan Nikolayevich Holovnya
Ruslan Nikolayevich Holovnya

Senior lecturer in physics and higher mathematics.
Scientific interests: algebraic methods of research of equations of mathematical physics. Mathematical modeling of technical systems.
He teaches disciplines: "Linear algebra and analytic geometry", "Mathematical analysis", "Higher mathematics".
He is the author of dozens of scientific papers and teaching aids.

Sergiy Petrovich Davydchuk
Sergiy Petrovich Davydchuk

Senior lecturer in physics and higher mathematics.
Scientific interests: mechanics of connected fields in materials and structural elements.
Basic scientific works:

  1. Михайленко В.В., Франовський А.Ц., Давидчук С.П. До питання про концепцію комплексних модулів в механіці непружних матеріалів // Вісник ЖІТІ, 2001, № 16.- с.- 18-22.
  2. Киричок И.Ф., Михайленко В.В., Давидчук С.П. Нелинейные колебания и виброразогрев вязкоупругого стержня с кубической характеристикой упругости // Прикладная механика. – 2002
  3. Давидчук С.П., Лущиков О.В. Коливання в’язкопружного стержня з нелінійною характеристикою пружності // Прикладная механика. – 2002.

Vasyl Nikolaevich Bondarchuk
Vasyl Nikolaevich Bondarchuk

Senior lecturer in physics and higher mathematics.
Scientific interests: Symmetry of equations of quantum mechanics.
He teaches disciplines: "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics", "Mathematical analysis", "Economic and mathematical methods and models".
Co-author of 1 textbook, 4 scientific and 5 methodical works.