Department of Economic Security, Public Administration and Management

Information about the department

Department of Economic Security, Public Management and Administration was founded on August 31, 2015. The Department was founded due to the current need for training specialists in the field of public management and administration, who have knowledge and skills to make effective management decisions in public and corporate sectors; increasing competition in domestic and international markets; the need for harmonization of economic relations in the European civilization space.

The department training specialists in the field of Public Management and Administration at all educational and scientific levels: bachelor, master, doctor of philosophy, doctor of sciences. Since September 2017 the training of masters (civil servants) is realized at the request of National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service.

Training in the field of Public Management and Administration aims at training specialists in solving strategic management tasks in state and corporate sectors, taking into account complex of external and internal factors of influence and trends of development in competitive environment, as well as in certain sectors of social production and the state as a whole.

The specialty "Public Management and Administration" in Zhytomyr State Technological University is:

  • preparation of management elite according to international standards;
  • formation of multidisciplinary skills for work in business environment and government bodies;
  • practical training on the basis of state agencies, leading international corporations and domestic enterprises;
  • obtaining experience from leading experts of world countries;
  • studying specialized foreign languages.

Bachelors and masters in the field of Public Management and Administration can realize the acquired knowledge in a corporate sector, central and local executive bodies, local self-government bodies, government agencies and organizations, public associations, international non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, academic and educational institutions, state and public funds.

Graduates can work in the following positions: as heads and deputies of different-level ministries, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Presidential Administration of Ukraine, local bodies of authority, heads of departments, detectives of National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine; heads of internal security services of ministries and local bodies of authority; heads of the Ministry and local government department; managers and specialists of non-governmental organizations; financial directors; assistants to a Chief of Economic and Social Affairs; heads of divisions, managers of transnational corporations, domestic and foreign companies; staff managers; Public Relations and Press Specialists; fund managers and others like that.

The staff of the Department of Economic Security, Public Management and Administration

Head of Department

Ivan Aleksandrovych Dragan
Ivan Aleksandrovych Dragan

Head of the Department of Economic Security, Public Management and Administration of Zhytomyr State Technological University, Professor, Doctor of Public Administration, Associate Professor.

Scientific interests: state administration of housing and communal services; state regulation in the field of nature management; Local Government.

Teaching Staff