The Department of Mining named after Professor Bakka M.T.

History of the Department

The countdown starts with the development of mining education in Zhytomyr considered 1996. At that year at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Department of Labor and Environmental was created Department of Geotechnology and Stone Processing, the beginning of which was the preparation of mining engineers specializing in "Technology and equipment for natural stone processing". The initiator of the opening of the profession was an outstanding scientist, PhD, Professor Bakka Mykola Terentiyovych.

In 1998, during the reorganization of higher education in Ukraine, the specialty "Technology and equipment for natural stone processing" was attached to the specialty "Mining", and to preserve specialization "Technology and equipment for natural stone processing". During this specialty appropriate laboratory facilities created, a large number of educational materials and publications issued. In the development and establishment of mining specialty at Zhytomyr Institute of Engineering and Technology Bakka M.T. assisted by experienced lecturers and experts of the Department of Mining industry: assoc. prof. Syvko Vadim Yosypovych, assoc. prof. Redchyts Valentyna Serhiyivna, assoc. prof. Remezova Olena Oleksandrivna, assoc. prof. Anatoly Baluk Dmytrovych, assoc. prof. Lopan Anatoly Fedorovich, senior lecturer Myzuka Irma Andriyivna, senior lecturer Kunitsky Anatoly Volodymyrovich, senior lecturer Kolodiy Marina Anatolievna.

The rapid and successful development of the Department of Geotechnology and Stone Processing by the fact that on the basis of the same department in 1998, again at the initiative and hard work department head Bakka M.T. training of specialists began in 7.070801 "Ecology and Environment". In the same year base department was reorganized into the Department of Geotechnology and Industrial Ecology.

Becoming a center of education in mining engineering Zhytomyr Technological Institute Department became to part of Faculty of Mining and Ecology which created in 2001.

Besides mining engineers Department carried out training of masters and postgraduate students who later successfully defended their dissertations.

Further successful development of the department under the leadership of its founder and founder of Faculty of Mining and Ecology professor Bakka M.T. marked the beginning of training, by one specialty - 7.090307 "Mine Surveying" in 2003. The growth of scientific and pedagogical potential of the department gave impetus to the creation in 2007 by separation, Mine Surveying Department, which began to graduate specialty "Mine Surveying". Today the department has the honorary chair of the name of its founder - the founder of the school of mining in Zhytomyr region, famous scientists, PhD, Professor Bakka M.T. and got the name - Department of Geotechnology named after Professor Bakka M.T. Since 2007 the department is headed Ph.D., associate professor Kalchuk Serhiy, who along with the staff Department continues to founder started the development and establishment of mining education in Zhytomyr. Since 2007 the department is headed candidate of technical sciences associate professor Kalchuk Serhiy Volodymyrovych, who along with the staff of Department continues to founder started the development and establishment of mining education in Zhytomyr.

Head of the Department

Victor Pidvysotsky
Victor Pidvysotsky

Head of the Department of Mining named after Professor Bakka M.T., Doctor of Geological Sciences, professor.

Scientific interests: geology of diamonds and precious metals.

Contact Cabinet: 307-а; e-mail:



The scientific activity

To attract students to research work on the department under the supervision of professor, associate professors and experienced senior lecturers, students carry out research work on the geology and mining disciplines direction, acquire techniques of scientific research and monitoring, receive skills with scientific literature and laboratory equipment, cooperate with enterprises and research institutes participate in annual scientific student’s conferences, student’s competitions in disciplines. The management of student’s scientific works within the scientific department of the group carry out: prof. Pidvysotsky V.T., assoc. prof. Kalchuk S.V., assoc. prof. Korobiychuk V.V., assoc. prof. Tolkach O.M., senior lecturer Bashynskyy S.I., senior lecturer Ostafiychuk N.M. As a result, the student’s scientific work of throughout the training period ends on the last stage of training masters with the diploma master's thesis, followed by obtaining qualifications Master of mining.

At the department, the postgraduate study operates by specialty 05.15.09 "Geotechnical and Mining Engineering." Currently, senior lecturers Kolodiy M.A., Shlapak V.A., Ostafiychuk N.M. are working on the dissertation work as applicants. Above the doctoral dissertation work operate assistant professor Kalchuk S.V. and Korobiychuk V.V. For the 2015 period, the defense of the dissertation is planned as the senior lecturer Bashynskyy S.I.

There is carried out research work number 373 on the topic "Investigation of the effectiveness of facing stone blocks extraction by static, quasi-static and dynamic methods in conditions of the stress-strain state of the array" registration number RK0113U003686 under the direction associate professor Kalchuk S.V. and number 399 on "Development of scientific bases of technology associated extraction of natural stone blocks in terms of crushed stone quarry", registration number №RK0114U006144 under the direction associate professor Korobiychuk V.V.

The subject of scientific research at department corresponds the priority areas of socio-economic and innovative development.

The department lecturers support a sufficient level of their professional knowledge by studying modern literature, exchange experience with related departments of universities in Ukraine, CIS, review exhibitions of science and technology in Kiev and other cities of Ukraine and CIS countries, browsing the Internet, participation in international and state conferences and symposiums.

Currently, Shamrai V.I., Karimbetova N.P., Hmelyuk T.S. study at postgraduate course Applicants of candidate degree is Bashynskyy S.I., Ostafiychuk N.M. The dissertation works leaders is prof. Pidvysotsky V.T., prof. Remezova O.O., assoc. prof. Kalchuk S.V., assoc. prof. Korobiychuk V.V., assoc. prof. Kotenko V.V.

Currently, lecturers and PhD students carry out research on the following topics:

  • Prof. Pidvysotsky V.T. – The formation regularities of sedimentary reservoirs of diamonds;
  • Assoc. prof. Tolkach O.M. - Modeling of chambered pegmatite deposits;
  • Assoc. prof. Kalchuk S.V. – The study of efficacy of facing stone blocks extraction by static, quasi-static and dynamic methods in terms of the stress-strain state of the array;
  • Assoc. prof. Korobiychuk V.V. - The development of scientific bases of natural stone blocks associated extraction technology in terms of crushed stone quarry;
  • Assoc. prof. Kamskikh O.V. – The study and development of technology of reduce negative environmental impact on the performance properties of labradorite;
  • Senior lecturer Kolodiy M.A. - The use of centrifugal technology in the study of strength-speed rotors details and samples of materials;
  • Senior lecturer Bashynskyy S.I. - The substantiation of process parameters of extraction blocks of gabbro rocks using diamond-rope installations;
  • PhD student Karimbetova N.P. – Optimization of mining technological complexes for working conditions of dimension stone deposits;
  • PhD student Shamrai V.I. – The assessment of quality indicators changes of finished goods with granodiorite-based textured processing;
  • PhD student Hmelyuk T.S. – Optimization of the combined type of development of primary apatite-ilmenite ores deposits.

International Department Activities

ZSTU is actively taking part in preparation of projects in different areas. They are students and teachers exchange programs (Erasmus Mundus), improvement of existing and development of new educational courses in accordance with advanced international standards, development and improvement of structure of higher educational institutions (Tempus), scientific cooperation (NATO, EU Framework Program) etc.

International activities of department began in 1998 with an international project program TEMPUS TACIS.

The teachers of the department Rasputna T.A. and assoc. prof. Remezova O.O. participated in the international project "Environmental Sciences in Relation to the Implication of Radiation Exposure in HealthCare" grant program TEMPUS TACIS Tempus SEP 10435/98 "Environmental Science in the field of radiation on human health" in 1998 – 2002. They were trained in Parma University (Italy) and the University of Ghent (Belgium) in this project.

Associate professor Remezova O.O. is a member of the European Association of geo scientists and engineers actively participate in the activities of this organization (Conference "Geoinformatics" 2005-2009. in Kiev, conference in St. Petersburg, 2008). In 2008 Associate Professor Remezova O.O. won a grant under the program "Geohost" to participate in the 33 International Geological Congress, held in the city Oslo (Norway).

F June 2009 the best students in Mining together with students in Mine Surveying 3rd course visited three mining universities in Germany: Dresden, Freiberg and Klausthal. The sponsor of this excursion and a program of 12 days was a German Academic Exchange Association "DAAD", which won a grant in the senior lecturer in Mine Surveying Mamray V.V.

From September, 2010 to January, 2011 as part of the fund "German Academic Exchange Service" Makhno A.M. worked on probation at the Faculty of Open-pit Mining, Technical University "Freiberg Mining Academy" (Germany).

Since October 2011 postgraduate student from the Department of Geotechnologies named after Professor Bakka M.T., Faculty of Mining and Ecology Makhno A.M. training according to four-month program "Austrian Exchange Service" at the Faculty of Natural Resources and the Oil and Gas Sector, University. Leoben (Austria).

International teachers activities of the Department of Mining named after Professor Bakka M.T.

Faculty and PhD students of the Department of Mining named after Professor Bakka M.T. and students of the specialty "Mining" under the program MESYS 2201250 "Training, working, training of undergraduate, postgraduate teaching and pedagogical workers abroad" won grants for internships in leading foreign universities in the period of 2012-2014.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor Kalchuk Serhiy Volodymyrovych during 01.10-31.12.12 training an internship at the Faculty of Open-pit Mining at Technical University "Freiberg Mining Academy" (Germany). In this period led by prof. Carsten Drebenshteta he conducted the study within the scientific subject "The development of effective technology for extraction of dimension facing stone in terms of the stress-strain state area" within which participated in three international conferences; visited the leading mining company in Germany, and has a collaborative agreement between Zhytomyr State Technological University (ZSTU) and the Faculty of Geology, Rock Mechanics and Mining at Technical University "Freiberg Mining Academy".

The delegation of teachers from Universities of Russia, Germany, Indonesia, China, in the coal company MIBRAG quarry

The presentation of Zhytomyr State Technological University at the Technical University «Freiberg Mining Academy»

The presentation of Zhytomyr State Technological University at the Technical University «Freiberg Mining Academy»

Educational guided tour on the teaching and research mine «Reiche Zeche»

Candidate of Technical Sciences Oleksandr Nikolayevich Tolkach training an internship at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) at the Institute of Energy and Mineral Engineering in the period of 26.08.2013-28.01.2014. During this period, led by prof. Antonio Niyeto he conducted the study within the scientific subject "Development of methods for modeling pyrophyllite deposits of raw materials in an integrated consideration of quality indicators lay". During the internship Oleksandr Tolkach participated in one international scientific conference; delivered a lecture for Masters and PhD students with the discipline "geostatistics" and signed a a cooperation agreement between Zhytomyr State Technological University (ZSTU) and the University of Dumlupinar (Turkey).

Candidate of Technical Sciences Tolkach O.M. gives lecture on "geostatistics" at the Institute of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, USA

Candidate of Technical Sciences Tolkach O.M. gives lecture on "geostatistics" at the Institute of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, USA

Tolkach O.M. with supervisor prof. Antonio Niyeto Institute of Energy and Mineral Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Tolkach O.M. with head of the department of mining technology and mechanization University of Dumlupinar (Turkey) Cihan Dohruosom after agreement on cooperation between universities