Faculty of Accounting and Finance

The Dean of the Faculty

Olena Lagovska
Olena Lagovska

Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing, Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Council for Candidate and Doctoral Theses Defense (D.14.052.01).

Research sphere: problems of accounting and analytical support for value-oriented management.

Contacts room 331, 332; tel.: +38 (0412) 24-09-95, +38 (067) 411-07-03; e-mail: lagovskaya1@meta.ua

The Information about the Faculty

Faculty of Accounting and Finance was created in October 27, 2003 but its history had begun since the times of the Faculty of economics and management.

In 1994 the Department of Economics and Organization of Production was reorganized into the Department of Economics, Accounting and Auditing. Faculty of Economics and Management was founded In 1995.

Foundation of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance should be considered as one of the numerous achievements of the scientific school. The first dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance was Doctor of economic sciences, Professor Olijnyk Oksana Victorivna. During 2005-2008 she was an applicant for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Economic sciences of the Department of accountancy at Zhytomyr State Technological University. For successful organization of the faculty work she was recognized as an honorary dean. Since April 2009 she has been the first vice-rector of the University.

Preparation of specialists majoring in accounting and finance at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance is accomplished basing on the branch of knowledge “Economy and Business” and in two directions “Accounting and taxation” and “Finance, banking and insurance ” (Table 1). An accountant, a controller and a financier are those specialists, without whom company’s business performance would hardly be possible. They possess all economic information about the company, carry out analysis, plan financial strategy, manage financial resources, give advice to the heads in the process of decision-making, help the company to achieve its tactical and strategic goals.

Training of specialists is carried out according to the three education and qualification levels: bachelor, specialist and master of fulltime and extramural forms of study, on contractual and budget base. Educational and scientific complex “Accounting and taxation” has been functioning since 1995; educational and scientific complex “Finance, banking and insurance” – since 2004 comprising colleges, technical schools and leading enterprises of the region. Postgraduate course and institution of doctoral candidacy department on specialty 08.00.09 – “Accounting, analysis and auditing” (by the types of economic activity) are functioning in the Faculty of Accounting and Finance.

Cooperation with other universities

The intensive studying of the accounting science in various foreign languages became possible due to the broad geography of international relationships of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance. The faculty has close ties with Russia, Moldova, the Republic of Belarus, France, Germany, USA, the Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and other countries. Scientists of different countries regularly participate in scientific conferences on the problems of theory and methodology of accounting and control that are held in Zhytomyr State Technological University; teachers of the Faculty are invited to well-known higher educational institutions abroad. The Faculty fruitfully cooperates in the field of scientific research with a number of higher educational institutions of other countries (table 1).

Table 1. Educational institutions and scientists of other countries collaborating with the Faculty of Accounting and Finance
Country Higher educational institution Representative of the university
The Republic of Belarus Belarus State Economic University (Minsk) Head of department of accounting, analysis and auditing in the branches of national economy, Head of Association of Certified Accountants and Auditors of The Republic of Belarus, Doctor of economic sciences, prof. Pankov D.O.; Doctor of economic sciences, assistant professor Korotaev S.L.
Brest State Technological University (Brest) Head of department of accounting, Candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor Kyvachuk S.V.
Bulgaria University of National and World Economy (Sofia) Doctor of economic sciences, professor T.Trifonov
Academy of Economics named after D. A. Tsenov (Svishtov) Candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of department of control and analysis of business activity K. Krumov; Candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of department of strategic planning A. Marcheva
Great Britain University of Greenwich - Business School, Old Royal Naval College Professor of Accounting, Finance and Public Policy Željko Šević, Director of Research, Outreach and European Affairs, Business School, University of Greenwich, LLB (Hons), LLM, MSc, PGDipl., SJD, PhD (FinEcon), PGCE (PCET), PGDipl. (HE Mngmnt), ILTM, CA (SCG), FAIA (Acad)
Lithuania Kaunas University of Technology Associate professor of Department of business administration at the Faculty of social sciences Česlovas Christauskas
Latvia School of Business Administration Turiba Head of department of accounting and finance, assistant professor A. Medne
Moldova Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (Chisinau) Dean of the Faculty of Accounting, Professor, Dr. Hab. V. Turcanu
Poland Cracow University of Economics, Poland Head of department of accounting, Doctor of economic sciences, prof. М. Dobija (Honorary professor of Zhytomyr State Technological University)
Oskar Lange Academy of Economics, Wrocław Doctor of economic sciences, professor А. Kardash; Vice Rector for International Co-operation Prof. Jarosław Witkowski; Head of department of financial accounting and control, Doctor of economic sciences, professor Z. Luty
Higher school of Finance and Accountancy, Sopot Co-ordinator of European projects М. Мai; Doctor of economic sciences, prof. Т. Martynyuk
University of Zielona Góra Doctor of economic sciences, professor М. Dudek
Kozminski University (Warsaw) Head of department of accounting, doctor of economic sciences. D. Dobija
USA Eastern Michigan University President of Eastern Michigan University, Dr. S. Martin
Yale School of Management Professor of accounting, economics and finance Dr. Shyam Sunder
The Czech Republic Higher economic school (Prague) Head of department of financial accounting, candidate of economic sciences L. Mullerova;
University of Economics (Prague) Associate professor of Department of Financial Accounting and Auditing, PhD. Ladislav Mejzlik;
Japan Nihon University Professor H.Murai

For many years teachers of departments of other higher educational establishments, including such world known scientists as professor Pankov D.O. (The Republic of Belarus), professor Dobija M. (Poland), professor Trifonov T. (Bulgaria) have been taking active participation in the international conferences, assisted in the edition of educational textbooks and manuals, gave our teachers an opportunity to serve internship abroad. Besides, the co-operation agreements concluded with Brest State Technological University as well as a tripartite agreement between the Netherlands, Ukraine and Poland are still being valid.