Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

The history of the Department

The department of humanities and social sciences is one of the oldest. Its history began in 1960 as the department of scientific disciplines as part of the Zhytomyr engineering faculty of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. At the time, it was United in its composition not only of teachers and social activists. It worked well as teachers of physics, mathematics, foreign languages and chemistry.

The first lecturers of the humanities in the department was candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Vegbreit Z. D. and senior lecturer on the history of Ukraine Ilchuk L. G. In 1965 the department began to read philosophy course, which was read by Y. M. Bilodid and since 1967 the course of political economy, which led M. C. Kalashnikov. Since 1965 the department was headed by candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Ilchuk Lyudmyla Grigoryivna.

Horb Mukola Petrovich

Horb Mukola Petrovich

In 1971 from the structure of scientific disciplines is allocated purely suspisciously direction - the department of marxism-leninism. Among them are 8 candidates of sciences, associate professors: L. G. Ilchuk, Z. D. Vegbreit, V. M. Baranowsky, J. M. Bilodid, G. P. Gorb, M. C. Kalashnikov, M. M. Kostritsa, A. G. Verhov. The new generation of lecturers: lecturer Kucheruk V. P., teachers V. M. Pronsky, Rudiuk N. K. Cherkashina-Mountainous M. S. Nagorny M. Y. The chair began to occupy an important place in the structure of the branch, which was due to the growing influence of ideology on the country's life. In these years the head of the department was candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Horb Mukola Petrovich.

Zverev Semen Mukhaylovich

Zverev Semen Mukhaylovich

In 1977 to the department came first professor, doctor of historical sciences Zverev Semen Mukhaylovich. Under his leadership as head of the department staff spent considerable educational-methodical, scientific-research and educational work. Structurally the department had 4 sections, which was led by prof. Zverev S. M., associate prof. Verhov A. G., Bilodid Y. M., Cherkashina N. K.

Bilodid Yuriy Mikhaylovich

Bilodid Yuriy Mikhaylovich

In 1991 by merging the departments of marxism-leninism and of foreign languages was established the department of social and political sciences and humanities. Significantly changed the structure of the academic disciplines. Made the first successful steps in the development and implementation of modern methodological foundations of liberal education. During this period the department was headed by candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Bilodid Yuriy Mikhaylovich.

Kruglyak Borus Abramovich

Kruglyak Borus Abramovich

In 1993 to the department came another doctor of historical sciences Kruglyak Borus Abramovich. Professor, academician of New-York Academy of Sciences (USA), significantly stimulated the research questions of the native land in the historical research of department staff. Under his leadership was effectively made its own scientific topic, which resulted in the collective monograph “Essays on the history of technical education in Zhytomyr region”.

In 1994 the department was renamed at the department of humanities, and from July 1 and 2013 - in the department of humanities and social sciences. It provides teaching full cycle of humanities and social areas approved by the state documents for higher education in technical profile. The department has 6 lecturers, among them 1 doctor of sciences, professor, 3 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 1 senior lecturer and 1 lecturer. Almost all lecturers of the department are direct specialists of those items that they read. Teaching and support staff - 1 laboratory assistant, The average age of the teachers of the department is 44 years.

Since 1996 the department is headed by doctor of philosophical sciences, professor, full member (academician) of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, academician of the Academy of Sciences of higher education of Ukraine, corresponding member of the Ukrainian Academy of political sciences Mulyar Volodymyr Ilyich.

Head of the Department

Mulyar Volodymyr Ilyich
Mulyar Volodymyr Ilyich

doctor of philosophical sciences, professor. Full member (academician) of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, full member (academician) of the Academy of Sciences of higher education of Ukraine, corresponding member of the Ukrainian Academy of political sciences. Head of department of humanities and social sciences of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University. Excellence in education of Ukraine. awarded valuable gift (clock) by Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2010). He was awarded the honorary diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2013)

Born in 1954 in the village Nosivka Chudnov district of Zhytomyr region. He graduated from the philosophical faculty in 1983 Kyiv national university named after T.G. Shevchenko. in 1990 he defended his thesis on ”Self-actualization as a social process (metodology-sociological aspect)”. in 1999 he defended his thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy on the topic ”The problem of personality in the system ”individual-society” (philosophical analysis)”.

Passed all levels of teaching in higher education. In Zhytomyr agricultural Institute (1983-1987), and from that time till today - in Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University.

Research activities are concentrated in the sphere of methodological, social-philosophical and philosophical issues of identity, survival and self-realization, as well as social and political problems of transformation of society.

Author of over 150 scientific and scientific-methodical works on philosophy and science. Among them - 4 monographs (2 individual), 9 textbooks (4 with degree by Ministry of science and education).

Member of the dissertation council D. 26.456.01 at the Institute of higher education Academy of pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Prepared a doctor and 4 candidates of philosophical sciences.

Member of the expert Council of the higher attestation commission of Ukraine on philosophy, political science, sociology (2006-2014)

Winner of 2 international grants in political science.

Academic disciplines: philosophy, political science, philosophic problems of scientific knowledge.



Scientific activity

Basic directions: receipt of international underbacks; preparation of specialists of higher qualification; preparation and edition of scientific products (monographs, articles, theses of scientific conferences, and others).

During 1993 to 1997, studied the problems associated with the development of technical education in Zhytomyr region. On the topic worked professor Kruglyak B.A. (Director), Assoc. Didkovsky O. I., senior lecturer. Kucheruk, B. N., senior lecturer Tereshchenko G. M. The Result of this work is the collective monograph “Essays on the history of technical education in Zhytomyr region” (1997).

1994 under the auspices of the Ministry of education of Ukraine and the International Renaissance Foundation in Ukraine was based international program “The Transformation of humanitarian education in Ukraine”. The aim was training manuals in the field of humanities. For the preparation of a textbook on political science grant won the candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Mulyar Volodymyr Ilyich.

In 2001, under the auspices of the Ministry of education of Ukraine and the international Renaissance Foundation was based all-ukrainian international megaproject "High school: leadership for progress". Its purpose was to improve learning, teaching and research in the field of political science. In the category “Political science” one of the 4 winners of ukrainian universities became the department of Zhytomyr engineering-technological Institute. In the Project took part professor Mulyar V. I. (Director), assoc. Sukhachev S. Y. (Zhytomyr state pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko) and assoc. Vengerska V. O. According to the results of collective work published scientific monograph “Political science in Ukraine: development and prospects / Ed. by O. A. Gabrielian, A. D. Shorkin: Ph. - Simferopol, 2002. -334p.” (co-authors - professor Mulyar V. I., assoc. Vengerska V. O., assoc. Sukhachev C. Y.).

Training of specialists of higher qualification. During its existence the doctoral thesis defended Kruglyak B.A. (history of Ukraine, 1994), Baranowsky A. M. (philosophy, 1997), Mulyar V. I. (philosophy, 1999)., associate professor became Ilchuk L. I. (history, 1967), Wehbreit S. D. (history, 1969), Bilodid Y. M. (philosophy, 1972), Pronsky C. M. (history, 1979), Cherkashina-Nagorna N. K. (history, 1982), Lutay M. E. (history, 1985), Nagorny M. S. (history, 1986), Didkovska O. I. (history of Ukraine, 1991), Vengerska V. O. (history of Ukraine, 1997), Maslov A. O. (philosophy, 2004), Bilous. B.P. (Ukrainian literature, 2005), Kondratyuk Y.S. (history of Ukraine, 2008), Zagurska-Antonyuk V. F. (politology, 2008)., Kruglyak M.E. (history of Ukraine, 2008), Pogorila L.M. (philosophy, 2011), Kovadlo N.P. (politology, 2012)., Lutvunchyk O.V. (philosophy, 2014).

Cooperation with native and foreign partners. In particular in the field of political science, this work was conducted twice, in 1994 and 2001, actively cooperated with the International Renaissance Foundation. The result is two international grants involving by professor Mulyar Volodymyr Ilyich.

Since 2004 lecturer Zagursky-Antonyuk C. F. was enrolled in doctoral programs university of Maria Curie-Sklodowska, Lublin (Poland). Fruitful cooperation culminated in a thesis on the theme: ”The Polish minority in Ukraine at the turn of XX - XXI centuries” and getting by Zagursky-Antonyuk V. F. degree of doctor of philosophy in the field of humanistic sciences (2008). In 2011 Zagursky-Antonyuk V. F. has successfully recertified in National pedagogical university named after M. P. Drahomanov and received the scientific degree of candidate of political sciences.

Maryna Krugliak a docent of the Department, is involved in two international projects devoted to the history of world football:

  1. Antagonistic cooperation and football supporters;
  2. Public perception of football in the 19-20-th centuries. Nationalism, scandals, heroes, gender discourses.

Fruitful cooperation of the department with the department of social philosophy and philosophy of education National pedagogical university named after M. P. Dragomanov, with Kherson State Agrarian University, Cherkasy State Technological University, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

Educational process

The department is in full carries out all complex of works connected with the educational process, serves all specialties and areas of training in the university. In general, it is 30 academic disciplines. Among them: the Ukrainian language, historical, philosophical, social-political. From all disciplines the department has a working program and a set of training and methodological support. Effective educational and methodical work is also facilitated regular training workshops, demonstration lessons, practice of co lecturers.

In recent years the department staff provided the teaching of most subjects of the department of training and training manuals.

Its current activities of the department builds on the following principles:

  • organic combination of software requirements formulated in the documents of international organizations regarding the rights and freedoms of man and citizen with the provisions of government documents that define the essence of humanitarian policy Ukraine on the modern stage.
  • providing of transition is from the monoideological methodology of teaching of educational disciplines "closed", to modern methodology;
  • embodiment of such basic principles of liberal education as solidity, system, unity logical and historical, national and common to all mankind, public and personality, theoretical and practical, educational and educate;
  • familiarize the student with the accumulated world cultural knowledge about human society, space and social purpose of the personality, the essence of culture as the world of man;
  • introduction of the principle of pluralism in scientific approaches and techniques aimed at discussion of the method of ascertaining the truth, interactive forms of education;
  • coordination of scientific work with the tasks of humanitarian training of university students;
  • instilling in students a high humanistic qualities of humanity, respect for people, respect for human dignity, culture and civilized coexistence;
  • formation of a specialist intellectual, personality, the bearer of the ideas of national revival.

Educational disciplines of department and lecturers. (2018-2019)

  • Philosophy - Mulyar V. I, , Lutvunchyk O. V.
  • Philosophic problems of scientific knowledge - Mulyar V. I., Lutvunchyk O. V
  • Philosophy of Science – Mulyar V. I.
  • Psychology - Lutvunchyk O. V.
  • Ukrainian language for professional direction - Kruglyak M. E, Lutvunchyk O. V., Sannikova S. B.
  • History of Ukraine - Kruglyak M. E.
  • Politology - Mulyar V. I, Kruglyak M. E
  • Sociology - Kruglyak M. E
  • Countries studies - Kruglyak M. E
  • The Political Systems of the World – V. I. Muliar
  • Oratory art - Sannikova S. B.
  • Tourist Regional studies – M. E. Krugliak


The department of humanities and social sciences is actively engaged in publishing work. Among the main directions of this work is the preparation and publication of scientific monographs, textbooks, including those approved by the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. Most active in this work among existing teachers of the department - professor Mulyar V. I., associate professors Y.S. Kondratyuk , Maslov A. O., Bilous B. P.

scientific monograph
  1. Kruglyak B. A. Internal trade in Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries (the case of Ukraine) - Samara: publishing house of Samara university, 1992.-192 p.
  2. Baranovsky V. M. The Genesis and function of the category of self-motion.- K., 1985.
  3. Mulyar V. I. Self-actualization as a social problem (philosophical analysis). - Zhytomyr: GETI, 1997. - 214 p.
  4. Maslov A. O. Marginal personality as a subject of social-philosophical analysis / scientific. editor dr. philos. sciences, professor Mulyar V. I. - Zhytomyr : GGTU, 2004. - 165 p.
  5. Mulyar V. I. The Problem of personality in the system “individual-society” (philosophical analysis). - Zhytomyr: ZDTU, 2005. - 320 p.
  6. Bilous B. P. Literary genres of Kyiv Rus (scientific review): Zhytomyr, 2009. - 176 p.
  7. Kondratyuk Y. S. Church records of the Volyn eparchy of the late XVIII - early XX centuries: Monograph / Julia S. Kondratyuk - Zhytomyr: ZGTU, 2011. - 210 p.
  8. Polish settlement in Zhytomyr: argument.-param. . / Y. S. Kondratyuk. - Zhytomyr , 2011. - 232p .: ill.
  9. Social scienses: development prospects in countries of Europe at the beginning of the third millennium: Collective monograph. Riga: izdevnieciba "Baltija Publishing", 2018. " Mulyar V. I. The problem of harmony in ancient greek philosophy P. 116-137."
  10. Challenges and prospects for the development of social scienses in Ukraine and EU countries: comparative analysis: Collective monograph. Riga: Izdevnieciba "Baltija Publishing", 2019. "Mulyar V. I. The phenomenon of harmony: western european context P. 201-217."
textbooks and manuals of the department
  1. Mulyar V. I. General political science. The course of lectures. - Zhytomyr: Polissya, 1994. - 116
  2. Mulyar V. I. Political Science. The course of lectures. - Zt., 1999. - 214 p.
  3. Mulyar V. I. Political Science. Tutorial -, 2002 - 356 p. (vulture MES of Ukraine).
  4. Kordon M. C., Mulyar V. I. Ukrainian and foreign culture. Lections - Zhitomir: GT, 2003. - 426 p. (vulture MES of Ukraine).
  5. Cherkashina N. K. Didkovsky O. I. History of Ukraine from ancient times to the present. Tutorial - Zhytomyr: ZDTU, 2004.
  6. Logic: a tutorial. // B. P. Bilous. - Zhytomyr: ZDTU, 2006. - 166 p.
  7. Buchinskaya A. I., Bibik A. M. Financial law: the textbook/ under the general editorship of dr. philos. sciences, professor Mulyar V. I. Century. - Zhytomyr: , 2008. - 192 p.
  8. Kondratyuk Y. S. Religious studies: a training manual. - Zhytomyr: ZDTU, 2010.
  9. Lutvunchyk O. V. Ukrainian language for professional purposes : a training manual. - Zhytomyr : ZDTU, 2011. - 212 p.
  10. Bilous B. P. Logic.Theoretical course: paradigms: the textbook / - Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2012.-152 p.
  11. Shputalenko A. M., Bibik A. M. Fundamentals of constitutional law of Ukraine . - Zhytomyr : ZDTU, 2012. - 142 p.
  12. Mulyar V. I. Political Science : textbook. manual - 4th ed., revised and enlarged - Zhytomyr : ZDTU, 2014. - 336 p.
  • Mulyar V. I. Self-actualization as a social problem (philosophical analysis). - Zhytomyr: GETI, 1997. - 214 p.
  • Mulyar V. I. Political Science. The course of lectures. - Zt., 1999. - 214 p.
  • Maslov A. O. Marginal personality as a subject of social-philosophical analysis / scientific. editor dr. philos. sciences, professor Mulyar V. I. - Zhytomyr : GGTU, 2004. - 165 p.
  • Cherkashina N. K. Didkovsky O. I. History of Ukraine from ancient times to the present. Tutorial - Zhytomyr: ZDTU, 2004.
  • Mulyar V. I. The Problem of personality in the system “individual-society” (philosophical analysis). - Zhytomyr: ZDTU, 2005. - 320 p.
  • Mulyar V. I. Political Science. Tutorial -, 2002 - 356 p.
  • Bilous B. P. Literary genres of Kyiv Rus (scientific review): Zhytomyr, 2009. - 176 p.
  • Logic: a tutorial. // B. P. Bilous. - Zhytomyr: ZDTU, 2006. - 166 p.
  • Kondratyuk Y. S. Religious studies: a training manual. - Zhytomyr: ZDTU, 2010.
  • Kondratyuk Y. S. Church records of the Volyn eparchy of the late XVIII - early XX centuries: Monograph / Julia S. Kondratyuk - Zhytomyr: ZGTU, 2011. - 210 p.
  • Polish settlement in Zhytomyr: argument.-param. . / Y. S. Kondratyuk. - Zhytomyr , 2011. - 232p .: ill.
  • Lutvunchyk O. V. Ukrainian language for professional purposes : a training manual. - Zhytomyr : ZDTU, 2011. - 212 p.
  • Bilous B. P. Logic.Theoretical course: paradigms: the textbook / - Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2012.-152 p.
  • Mulyar V. I. Political Science : textbook. manual - 4th ed., revised and enlarged - Zhytomyr : ZDTU, 2014. - 336 p.