Teaching staff of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Volodymyr Illich Muliar
Volodymyr Illich Muliar

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor. Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine. Full Member (Academician) of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Full Member (Academician) of the Academy of Sciences of High Education of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Political Sciences. Excellence in education of Ukraine, Honoured Professor of the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University. Head of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University. He was awarded the Valuable Gift (a watch) of the Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2010), also awarded the Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2013).
Born in 1954 in the village of. Nosivka of Chudniv district in Zhytomyr region. From 1970 to 1974 he studied at the Korostyshiv Pedagogical School where he was qualified as a teacher. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy (1983) and postgraduate studies (1990) in Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. Philosopher. In 1990, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the theme "Self-realization of the individual as a social process (methodological and sociological aspect)". In 1999, he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences on the theme "The problem of the formation of the individual in the system “individual-society” (philosophical and cultural analysis)".
Worked as a teacher of the Velykokorovynetska 8-year school (1974-1975), Nosivska 8-year school (1977-1980) in Chudniv district. He passed all stages of teaching work at a high educational institution: at the Zhytomyr Agricultural Institute (1983-1987), and after studying in postgraduate studies and till now – at the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University.
Scientific activity is concentrated in the field of methodological, socio-philosophical and philosophical and cultural problems of the individual, its formation and self-realization, as well as socio-political problems of the transformational society.
He is the author of more than 200 scientific and methodological works on Philosophy, Political Science, Cultural studies, Religious studies, and Pedagogy. Among them - four monographs (two singles), nine textbooks (five singles with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).
Member of the Specialized Academic Council D.26.053.16 of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. He is a scientific supervisor of one Doctor and four Candidates of Philosophical Sciences.
Member of the Expert Council of the High Certification Committee of Ukraine on Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology (2006-2011).
Winner of two international Political Science grants.
Main works:

  • General Political Science. Course of lectures. Zhytomyr: Polissia, 1994. – 116 p.
  • Self-realization of personality as a social problem (philosophical and cultural analysis). – Zhytomyr: ZETI, 1997. – 214 p.;
  • Politology. Course of lectures. – Zhytomyr: ZETI, 1999. – 214 p.
  • Politology. Tutorial. – Kyiv: CEL, 2002. – 356 p.
  • The problem of the formation of the individual in the system "individual-society" (philosophical and cultural analysis). – Zhytomyr: ZSTU, 2005. – 320 p.
  • Politology: Manual. – Zhytomyr: ZSTU, 2014. – 336 p.
  • Social scienses: development prospects in countries of Europe at the beginning of the third millennium: Collective monograph. Riga: izdevnieciba "Baltija Publishing", 2018. " Mulyar V. I. The problem of harmony in ancient greek philosophy P. 116-137."
  • Challenges and prospects for the development of social scienses in Ukraine and EU countries: comparative analysis: Collective monograph. Riga: Izdevnieciba "Baltija Publishing", 2019. "Mulyar V. I. The phenomenon of harmony: western european context P. 201-217."

Kondratyuk Julia Sergiivna
Kondratyuk Julia Sergiivna

Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor. Deputy head of the department.
Born 25.12.1982 in Berdychiv, Zhytomyr region. In 2005 he graduated from the historical faculty of the Zhytomyr state university named after I. Franko, speciality: teacher of history, ukrainian language and literature and foreign literature”. In 2008 he defended his thesis on ”Orthodox institutions and clergy as agents of formation church paper work in Volyn eparchy of the end of XVII - beginning of XX centuries”.
Since 2006 working in Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University. Sphere of scientific interests: local history, history of religion and culture. Permanent participant of international and national scientific conferences. Has more than 50 publications.
Academic disciplines: History of Ukraine, religious studies, history of ukrainian culture.

Kruglyak Maryna Eduardivna
Kruglyak Maryna Eduardivna

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor.
Born 21.11.1984 year in Syzran, Kuibyshev region. She graduated from Zhytomyr state university named after I. Franko in 2006 (diploma with honors), speciality: teacher of history, ukrainian language and literature and foreign literature". 15.11.2010 at the department of history of the humanities departments in Kyiv national university named after T. G. Shevchenko defended thesis on the topic:" Life and way of life of student of underrussian Ukraine in II half XIX - beginning XX centuries". From 2007 works in the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University. Subjects: History of Ukraine, History of the ukrainian culture, Museum management studies. Sphere of scientific interests: Ukrainian student XIX – beginning of XX centuries, decembrist motion on Volhyn, state and populist schools in ukrainian historiography. Participant 31 international and allukrainian scientific conferences, has 49 printing works.

Lutvunchyk Oksana Valeriivna
Lutvunchyk Oksana Valeriivna

candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of department of humanities and social sciences. Born 19.07.1980 year in Novograd-Volynsky, Zhytomyr region. In 2003 she graduated from Zhytomyr state university named after I. Franko
Since 2005 she works in Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University. Teaches courses in psychology and pedagogy, philosophy, ukrainian language for professional direction.
In 2014, under the leadership of professor Mulyar V.I defended his candidate thesis on the theme: ”Identity as a problem of marginal individuals: social-philosophical analysis". More than 20 international scientific conferences are a participant. Has 40 publications.

Sannikova Svitlana Borusivna
Sannikova Svitlana Borusivna

Lecturer, Deputy Dean of the faculty of economy and management full-time students.
Born 30.12.1967 year in Zhytomyr. She graduated from Zhytomyr state pedagogical institute named after I. Franko. Philologist. She worked as a teacher of russian language in secondary school № 16, Zhytomyr.
Since 1995 she works in Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University. Subjects: Business ukrainian language, Ukrainian language for professional direction. Member of scientific and scientific-methodical conferences.
Research interests: linguistics, the role of language in public life. She has 15 publications.