Faculty of Economics and Management

The Dean of the Faculty

Halyna Tarasiuk
Halyna Tarasiuk

Doctor of Economics, professor, head of the department of management and tourism at Zhytomyr State Technological University. 1994 – graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Food Technologies, obtained a degree in Economics and Management in Agribusiness. She had eight-year practical experience working as an engineer-economist, accountant, chief accountant at Zhytomyr enterprises.

2009 – defended the thesis for a Doctor’s degree in Economics (specialty 08.00.04 – Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity)). April, 2011 – awarded with professor's certificate. The author of more than 250 scientific works and scientific and methodological works. The author of seven personal and three collective monographs, 5 course books recommended the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The main scientific works.

2005 – trained at the State Technological Institute of Western Macedonia (Kozani, Greece). 2006, 2007 – trained at the Technical University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain).

2004–2007 – participated in the Joint European Project "European Standards Teaching Economics in International Tourism "(CD JEP-24244-2003 EU). One of the authors of the European Standard for the teaching International Tourism Economics.

2007 – Laureate of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Award "For special achievements of youth in the development of Ukraine" in the nomination "For scientific achievements". 2010 – awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for many years of diligent work and a personal contribution to the training highly qualified specialists. 2015 – awarded the breastplate of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Excellence in Education".

Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, academician of the Academy of Social Management, member of two specialized councils for the defense of dissertations.

Since October, 2010 until now – Project Manager of the Student Innovative Business Incubator Project "Zhytomyr Regional Student Innovative Business Incubator".

Member of the Committee for Economic Reforms of Zhytomyr Regional State Administration.

Subjects that are delivered: Planning and control at the enterprise, Project Management, Methodology and organization of scientific research, Management.

Realm of scientific interests: problems of theory and practice of enterprise planning, corporate and financial management, enterprise economics, business education.

Contacts room 325-а; galinatar@ukr.net

The Information about the Faculty

The urgency of the training specialists in the field of economics and management was accounted for by the development of market relations in our country and by the real need of the economy in such specialists. At that time management of Zhytomyr Branch of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute headed by professor Samotokin B. B. was conscious of the current requirements of educational market. With his direct participation, under the circumstances of the engineering profile of the educational institution, managers’ student recruitment was carried out. The economic direction of training specialists, started in 1992, was formed in the structures of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management. The existing specialties and the need to open new ones in order to meet the needs of the created market structures, the expansion and specialization of scientific research created favorable conditions for the establishment of the faculty of economic direction. The Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) was created by order of Zhytomyr Engineering and Technology Institute dated January 23, 1995, No. 24 by separation from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management.

Nowadays the faculty is oriented on modern educational technologies and aimed at high level of training specialists in the following fields of study:

  • 05 "Social and behavioral sciences" (specialty 051 "Economics");
  • 07 "Management and Administration" (specialty 073 "Management" and 076 "Entrepreneurship, trade and stock-taking activities");
  • 24 "Service industry" (specialty 242 "Tourism").

The diploma of specialties of the faculty will provide graduates with significant competitive advantages in the labor market.

Studying at the Faculty you get the following opportunities:

  • To get a high level of education and professional knowledge that meets modern requirements;
  • To raise the professional level in the scientific groups of the departments, to exchange experience at conferences, scientific seminars, contests, and to study further in the magistracy, postgraduate studies and doctoral studies;
  • To study at the business school of practical management (free of charge), which will enable you to deepen your knowledge of the basics of management, learn to compose and present real business plans, start business of your own, master modern information technologies;
  • To participate in round-table meetings and listen to lectures by successful entrepreneurs, business executives and managers;
  • To deepen your knowledge of foreign languages at will;
  • To use electronic repository of the university in the educational process;
  • To get permission to study on an individual curriculum for senior students;
  • 100% providing students to the dormitory near the educational building near the river Teteriv;
  • To get help in finding a job as well as finding a database of training practices;
  • To get a double diploma of European universities, to participate in mobility programs, practice training abroad (Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Turkey);
  • To undergo military training at Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Korolov under the reserve officers program;
  • To conduct student leisure activities in an active way as well as to take part in the cultural and mass work of the faculty and university.

Structure of the Faculty

Department of Management and Tourism

The head of the department is Tarasyuk G.M.

Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

The head of the department is Valinkevych N.V.

Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics

The head of the department is Bogoyavlenska Y.V.

Department of Humanities and Social Science

The head of the department is Mulyar V.I.