The Faculty of Mining and Ecology

The Dean of the Faculty

Kotenko V.V.
Kotenko V.V.

The Dean of the Faculty, associate professor of the Department of Mine Surveying, Candidate of technical sciences Kotenko V.V. was born in 1977. In 1996, he graduated from Zhytomyr Building Technical School with honors and received the qualification of a technician. In 2000, Kotenko V.V. graduated from Zhytomyr Institute of Engineering and Technology with honors and received the qualification of a mining engineer. In 2007, he defended the thesis in Kryvyi Rih Technical University on the topic “The development of the method of evaluation quantitative and qualitative parameters of labradorite deposits for their geometrization”.

Kotenko V.V. is the author of about 50 scientific-methodological works; 35 of which are specialized articles and approbations, 10 methodical works, 4 tutorials and 1monograph.

Kotenko V.V. lectures on the following subjects: Surveying and Geodetic Instruments, Photogrammetry, Cartographic Methods in Ecology, Surveying Support in Mining within the Danger Zones, Mining Audit.

His academic interests concern investigations of the technologies of natural stone mining and their surveying support, as well as the geometrization of natural stone deposits.

Contacts room №307; telephone number: +38 (0412) 22-49-13; e-mail:

Information about the Faculty

The development of mining industry, strengthening of raw mineral base, rational and efficient usage of all kinds of minerals which Ukraine is rich in demands training of high level specialists in mining engineering. Zhytomyr region is like Ural in miniature. It has deposits of different kinds of minerals. It is rich, especially, in natural facing stone. That’s why in 1996 the faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Zhytomyr Institute of Engineering and Technology started training specialists on speciality “Stone-working Technology and Equipment”. Thus, the Department of Geotechnologies and Stone Working was established on the basis of the Department of Labor and Environment Protection. In 1998, after the reorganization of the system of higher education, the appointed specialty was reorganized into the specialty 7.090301 “Development of Mineral Deposits”, the direction 0903 «Mining”.

Environment problems, the need in ecologically clean technologies called for the establishment of a new direction of training: 0708 “Ecology”, the specialty 7.070801 “Ecology and Environment Protection”, 1998. At the same time in 1998 the profile Department of Geotechnologies and Stone Working was reorganized into the Department of Geotechnologies and Industrial Ecology.

The Faculty of Mining and Ecology was founded as the structural element of Zhytomyr Institute of Engineering and Technology according to the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №127, the 11th of May, 2000. The Faculty included the following Departments: Department of Geotechnologies and Industrial Ecology, Department of Natural Sciences, Department of Foreign Languages.

Bakka M.T.

Bakka M.T.

The first Dean of the Faculty of Mining and Ecology (2000-2007) was the Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, Academician of Construction Academy, Academician of International Academy of Personal and Social Safety, corresponding member of the Academy of Mining Sciences Bakka M.T.

It should be noted that the Faculty was organized due to the dedicated work of Bakka M.T. and, thus, training specialists on mining and ecology in Zhytomyr Institute of Engineering and Technology began.

In December 2000, the Faculty graduated the first class of specialists on specialty 7.090301 “Development of Minerals”.

With the development of the Faculty the level of training also raised. Thus, in 2001, training specialists for obtaining the degree of Master on specialty 8.090301 “Development of Minerals” began. In 2002, the IV-th level of training was successfully accredited.

In June 2003, the institute graduated specialists on specialty 7.070801 “Ecology and Environment Protection”. In the same year training leading to the degree of Master on specialty 8.070801 “Ecology and Environment Protection” began. In 2004, the IV-th level of training on the specialty was also accredited.

In 2003, following the tendency of the development of mining industry the Faculty started training students on specialty 7.090307 “Mine Surveying”, direction 0903 “Mining”. In 2008, the University graduated specialists on specialty 7.090307 “Mine Surveying” which was successfully accredited by the III-th level.

In 2013, training Masters on specialty “Radioecology” began.

In 2014, the Curriculum for training Masters on specialty “Mine Surveying” was licensed.


The Faculty of Mining and Ecology carries out training specialists at two educational-proficiency levels: Bachelors and Masters at the full-time and the extramural forms of training.

Bachelor’s Training directions:

  • 184 “Mining”. The number of students training at the full-time form of study according to the license is 200 people. The Department of the Development of Minerals named after Professor Bakka M.T. and the department Mine Surveying are the graduate Departments;
  • 101 “Ecology, Environment Protection and Balanced Environmental Management”. The number of students training at the full-time form of study according to the license is 110 people. The Department of Ecology is the graduate Department;

Master’s Training directions:

  • 184 ”Mining ”. The number of students training at the full-time form of study according to the license is 100 people The Department of the Development of Minerals named after Professor Bakka M.T. and the department Mine Surveying are the graduate Departments;
  • 101 “Ecology and Environment Protection”. The number of students training at the full-time form of study according to the license is 40 people. The Department of Ecology is the graduate Department;
  • 183 “Radioecology”. The number of students training at the full-time form of study according to the license is 40 people. The Department of Ecology is the graduate Department;

The Faculty carries out training according to the shortened program of studies on the basis of the educational-proficiency level of Junior Specialist of appropriate directions.

Structure of the Faculty

The structure of the Faculty includes four Departments, three of which are the graduate Departments.

The Department of Mine Surveying

The head of the department is Sobolevskyi R.V.

The Department of Ecology

The head of the department is Kotsiuba I.G.

The Department of Physical Education

The head of the department is Zasik G.B.

Educational work

The Faculty of Mining and Ecology is the educational structure which responds to a varied set of demands today. The main challenge in the field of educational work with students at the faculty is to create conditions for active life, self-realization and national consciousness, to meet students’ needs in intellectual, cultural and moral development.

Educational work is a single process of interaction and cooperation of teachers and students; it has its traditions, definite structure of rights and obligations. Joint creative activity offers incentives for self-improvement.

The aim of educational work with students is to acquire social experience by young generation; to maintain and develop Ukrainian national traditions; to build a high level of international cooperation; to develop a sense of belonging to Ukrainian state; to form personal characteristics of a citizen of Ukraine; to create conditions for developing intellectual, labor, legal and environmental culture. For implementation of these tasks the Faculty of Mining and Ecology worked out the plan of educational work and the main directions of this plan are the following:

  • organizational work;
  • national-patriotic education;
  • vocational guidance;
  • moral and legal issues in education;
  • environmental education;
  • aesthetic education, intellectual education;
  • implementation of sports activities and students involvement in them.

The integral approach in educational training comprises the wide range of different activities. The Faculty traditionally carries out such activities as Environmental Lecturing for children of Zhytomyr schools; topic lecturing on mining and geology; meetings with the representatives of ACET (AIDS Care Education and Training Ltd.) and topic lecturing on the related issues; holding annual New Year charity action organized for the children of Orphanage (village Potiyivka); and the Faculty anniversary celebration.

The main challenge in the field of educational work with students at the university is to create conditions for their active life, civil self-determination. Education of highly qualified specialists who are socially active, creative, spiritually rich people is the most important direction carried out by the system of education in ZhSTU.