Faculty of Information and Computer Technology

The Dean of the Faculty

Nadiia Mykolaivna Lobanchykova
Nadiia Mykolaivna Lobanchykova

Ph.D., assistant professor, head of the Scientific Council of Zhytomyr State Technological University. She graduated Zhytomyr Institute of Engineering and Technology in 2002 by speciality an engineer of automated and computer controlling systems.

She defended the thesis “Models and methods of the building of automated systems of detection and prevention of states of emergencies in the airport” by specialty 05.13.06 – Information Technology (122 Computer Science and Information Technology) at Kherson National Technical University in 2010.

Nadiia is the author of over 60 scientific and methodological works.

She participates in research work on state-financed on corresponding themes, takes part in scientific, scientific-practical and scientific-technical All-Ukrainian and international conferences.

Her research interests include cybersecurity of critical infrastructure objects, cloud computing security; information technology for the construction and protection of Internet of things.

Contacts office 328; tel. +38 (0412) 24-14-17; e-mail: auts_lnm@ztu.edu.ua

The Information about the Faculty

In 1977, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Zhytomyr branch of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was organized. Therefore, the studies at the Faculty started on September 1, 1977.

Zabashta Juriy Pavlovich

Zabashta Juriy Pavlovich

Zabashta Juriy Pavlovich appointed as the first Dean of the Faculty. Kazakov V.P. was the Vice Dean of the Faculty during 18 years.

It was the period of equipping laboratories with modern devices and calculation technique. The demand for graduates was rather high. Therefore, the part-time studies was of a great help in those years.

XX century characterized by the fast development in electronic components and devices of new generation and this fact had a great impact on the learning process. New subjects introduced and many laboratories created. The range of specialities was changed. In 1988, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering reorganized into the Faculty of Automation and Control. The profession of electrical engineer was gradually becoming one of the most popular. The creative potential of young specialists reflected in the conduction of self-financing and contractual research work. The scientists of the Faculty were involved in solving complex tasks for either scientific institution of Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Donetsk or leading enterprises of the country. From 1977 to 1990 the departments of the faculty executed contracts for nearly 8,5 mln. rubles.

Due to the creation of an independent higher educational institution in 1994 the Faculty of Information and Computer Technologies was founded. It included the Department of Automation and Control in Technical Systems, the Department of Robotic Systems and Complexes, the Department of Software Development, the Department of Radioengineering, the Department of Higher Mathematics and the Department of Physical Training. The famous specialist in the development of CPUs Povidayko P. M. became the Dean of the Faculty PhD Samotokin B.B. demonstrated fast reaction to the changes in countries economy. Four educational institutions of Zhytomyr region united to introduce a new approach to training. The institutions are:

  • Zhytomyr State Technological Univesity;
  • Zhytomyr Technological College;
  • The Novograd Volynsky College of Industry and Economics;
  • The Zhytomyr College of Agriculture.

The Bachelors and Specialists in Automation are trained at the full time and part-time forms of studies. In 1997 the Department of Robotic Systems was renamed into the Department of Automation and Computerized Technologies.

In 1998 the Department of Medical Devices and Systems was introduced at the faculty.

The period from 1995 to 2002 was marked by the growth of scientific potential of the faculty and technology modernization.

From 2002 to 2007 the faculty was headed by candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor V.A. Kyrylovich. All the activity of the faculty was focused on the improvement of studies, research and changes in structure in order to get the highest accreditation level.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A. P. Gromovoy became the Dean of the Faculty in 2007. The biggest faculty of the University was improving its activity from 2007 to 2009 thanks to the talented and experienced leadership of the Dean.

A. P. Gromovoy has been working in the sphere of education for more than 37 years. He started working as an engineer at Zhytomyr General Technical Faculty of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. In 1979 he finished the post-graduate courses at Voronezh Polytechnic Institute. He also worked as a Senior Teacher, Associate Professor, Head of the Department and the Dean of the Preliminary Training Faculty.

A. P. Gromovoy greatly contributed into creation of the First City Lyceum at ZSTU in 1989. Headed by A. P. Gromovoy the Lyceum became one of the 100 best schools of Ukraine. In 2007 the independent experts recognized the Lyceum as one of 20 top educational institutions of Ukraine.

Ph.D., assistant professor, Bolotnii Olexandr Hryhorovych was a Dean of the the Faculty from September 2010 to February 2014.

In February 2014 the Dean of the Faculty became its graduate of ZSTU, Ph.D., assistant professor, Andriy Morozov. With the advent of a new leader, a young and highly skilled man, a new stage in the development of the faculty began. In 2015 was opened a new direction of specialists “Computer Engineering” with the direct participation of Morozov A.V.

Since 2015, student mentors have appeared at the faculty. Mentors are senior students who help first-year students adapt to university life, organize groups for self-learning into new technologies, collaborate projects, and succeed. The faculty began to actively cooperate with enterprises and to carry out special events in order to popularize IT specialties.

Since 2016, the faculty has opened a set of students for a new modern specialty 125 "Cyber Security" in full-time and part-time forms of studying.

The constant development of information technology, changing the labor market and the requirements of employers. In order to provide the modern labor market with highly skilled specialists, in September 2016, on the Faculty of Information and Computer Technologies was opened a new specialty of the second (master's) educational level in the specialty "Management in IT" and from September 2017 - "Information systems and technologies", specialization "Internet of Things".

From 2017 to September 2018, the structure of the Faculty of Information and Computer Technologies consisted of 5 departments (Department of Metrology and Information and Measurement Engineering, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering and Cybersecurity, Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies named after prof B. B. Samotokin, biomedical engineering and telecommunications).

According to the decree of the rector of September 3, 2018, No. 422 on changing the organizational structure of Zhytomyr State Technological University, the department of metrology and information-measuring technology and the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies named after prof. B. B. Samotokin has been moved to the Faculty of Computer Integrated Technologies, Mechatronics and Robotics.

From September 2018, acting The dean of the Faculty of Information is Associate Professor Lobanchykova Nadiia Mykolaivna, a graduate of the Faculty in 2002, who directly participated in developing of studying programs by following specialities: 125 "Cyber Security" (Bachelor level) and 126 "Information Systems and Technologies" (master's level).

Since September 2018, at the Faculty of Information and Computer Technologies, has been created a new Department of Computer Science. Head of this department, graduate of ZSTU in 2001, Ph.D., Associate Professor Suhoniak Inna Ivanovna, whose plans are to open new relevant areas and specialties for the training of highly skilled professionals and professionals who need a modern labor market.

At present, the faculty consists of 4 departments (Software Engineering, Computer Engineering and Cyber Security, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering and Telecommunications) where are provided two-level degree by following specialities:

After 4 years of study on a full-time or part-time (respectively, after 3 years of study in a full-time or par-time for students of complexes), students get a bachelor's qualification.

To obtain an educational master's level, the duration of studies is 1.4 years.

By September 2018, faculty had had 816 full-time and 176 students.

The studying of specialists at the faculty is provided by a highly qualified staff which consist of 6 professors, doctors of sciences; 27 associate professors, candidates of sciences and many others.

The faculty has subject laboratories and computer classes that are used in the educational process of the faculty for laboratory, practical works and scientific researches. All computer classes have modern equipment, connected to a local computer network with an Internet access, which allows students to work with modern software products, including the unique, developed by the teacher of the faculty their students.

Structure of the Faculty

The Department of Software Systems

The head of the department is

The Department of Computer Engineering and Cybersecurity

The head of the department is A.A. Yefimenko

The Department of Biomedical Engineering and Telecommunication

The head of the department is T.M. Nikitchuk

The Department of Computer Science

The head of the department is I.I. Suhoniak